S01E03 - WOD-USA - 48 CrossFit Gyms in 48 States for the Wounded Warrior Project

Our third episode is with special guests Aidan Malinowski @aidanmal and Jordan Suarez @jordansuarez46. These two athletes founded WOD-USA @wod.usa, a fundraising project where they worked out at 48 CrossFit gyms in 48 states in 29 days. Their goal was to raise money for Wounded Warrior Project® (@wwp).

CrossFit Bison @crossfitbison was the last affiliate they visited before heading home. What was it like journeying across the country and working out in 48 different gyms? We talk to them about that and much more.

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S01E03 - WOD-USA - 48 CrossFit Gyms in 48 States for the Wounded Warrior Project
David Syvertsen: [00:00:00] All right. Welcome back everybody. The herd fit podcast. We have two really special guests with us today. We have Aiden and Jordan who are in the last stop of a 48 state trip cross-country trip where the idea was to go to a CrossFit in every state.
We'll hear more about that later, but guys welcome jordan and Aiden. They were raising money. This was a fundraising campaign for the wounded warrior project. So before we get into that just want to hear you guys just tell us a little bit about yourselves and how old you are, what's going on in your lives.
How long have you been CrossFitting? 
Jordan Suarez: [00:00:35] Yeah again, I'm Jordan, I'm 19 years old, turning 20 next month. I go to college in upstate New York, SUNY Cortland. I've been doing CrossFit for about a year and a half. I played baseball my whole life, and then when I stopped that I needed some to stay in shape. CrossFit was perfect for that. So I've been loving it so far. 
David Syvertsen: [00:00:52] Awesome. Cool. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:00:53] Again, I'm Aiden I'm 20 years old, so got a couple months in Jordan, put that in there. But yeah, of course. So I've been in CrossFit closer two years now. I think I walked into my first CrossFit gym, December of 2020, maybe 2019, 
David Syvertsen: [00:01:10] Right before things started to get shut down..
Aidan Malinowski: [00:01:12] Yeah. And then I was a rower for six or seven years. So we were in high school a little bit in college and then ended up switching colleges to SUNY Cortland as well. 

David Syvertsen: [00:01:22] Yeah. So we've had a couple of SUNY Cortland connections here from here. Went there a little bit older than you guys, but that's cool.
Tell us about the wounded warrior project and you know that you guys are raising funds for we'll get some info on that towards the end. What inspired you guys to choose them in an effort 
to raise money for them? 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:01:39] Yeah. Jordan can speak a little bit more to that, but 
Jordan Suarez: [00:01:42] Yeah. Basically the wounded warrior projects, just like a giant tool belt for wounded veterans post nine 11.
So whether it's a fitting for a prosthetic or PTSD treatment, or even just helping them get a job after they're out of the service it's a really good resource for them. And the reason we chose that was because my. Most of my family served in the military. My father was a Marine. I had a cousin that went to Iraq and my sisters, I was in the army.
So I have that military connection. So yeah. The foundation was really close to my heart and I'm really glad that we chose it because so good to us. 
David Syvertsen: [00:02:14] Yeah. That's awesome. Guys. I'll give you a lot of props because you guys, having been cross hunting that long, and for you to take on a Trek like this at your age now speaks volumes about you too.
So now that you guys are at the tail end of this, you guys can give yourself a little pat on the back and you I'm really honored that you guys picked us as your last stop. So as you're mapping this trip out, How did you go? There's thousands of affiliates. How did you choose which ones in which states to go to?
Aidan Malinowski: [00:02:43] Yeah, so we like Jordan came up with the general route of like, where we wanted to be roughly. And it was like pretty much like Googling, like the most efficient way to travel the country. Anyone does school first. And then it was literally months and months of calling Instagram.
DM-ing emailing. I think we sent out our first Spam mass email. Would you send me be like 
February, we heard from you guys in March. That was, so February I think we got one response from that email. 
David Syvertsen: [00:03:13] No. Yeah. Nobody likes the mass email.. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:03:15] Yeah, exactly. And then from that first week in February to the entire trip, we've been calling and reaching out to gyms So as is on Instagram, there were a couple of definitely some bumps in the road.
But like for the most part we had, I think 43, like confirmation going into the trip. Okay. And then even that, like some of them, like we saw the ones that said yes, initially. Forgot about us. So we had a couple of, just, Hey, they haven't been even re responding. Let's just, save some time and go somewhere else.
But yeah, so it was a lot of calling. We literally felt like absolute telemarketers for four 
Jordan Suarez: [00:03:51] months. It's, it was just like, it sounded like so much like a scam, but we didn't know how to make it sound like we were like, not a scam. We were like, I'm with the wounded warrior project. And then I just like, yeah.
Aidan Malinowski: [00:04:03] And that's all that's thanks. I'm like, 
Jordan Suarez: [00:04:04] I thought we were asking for money 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:04:06] and we're not really, I'm in a college dorm room right now. Like I swear, 
David Syvertsen: [00:04:10] I'll tell you what, like when we first got your message, it was in March. And we get, I would say five to six emails a day. I don't want to call it spam, but someone advertising and then again, you can almost become numb to it, but I think it was a good call that you through the wounded warrior project in there, because it caught my eye, the military connection to my brother.
And, we do a lot of, we have a hero week here in may where we do hero workouts every day. And so we have a cross, it has a very strong affiliation with the military. It always has. And so we we're very old school cross that we. Tie ourselves to that at least a little bit. So the fact that you guys had something like that behind you, what was a big part of why?
We get DMS all the time. Like someone's trying to sell us like some tape, like in fact, the wounded warrior project. Definitely. 
Jordan Suarez: [00:04:56] That's another reason why we chose the wounded warrior project. It was cause it's, it has. Like a good military background and we could do all the hero, why we do it all of them, but we can do here while it's a bunch of times we did about five or 600.
So that was fun. And also just the CrossFit community has been awesome. I definitely want to touch on that. That's definitely like my favorite part about CrossFit. Everyone's cheering each other on everyone supports each other. It's not like this whole gym, gym intimidation thing. Like they have it some chain gyms where like all the guys are swollen, like throwing around 
David Syvertsen: [00:05:26] weights, mr. Swallow. So tell us about the day to day flow. I know you guys are going to a different spot at a time, but like where you guys, like, how many miles per day were you driving? Were you staying in hotels? Did you know people on the road? 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:05:39] It was a little bit of everything. I would say though the first week and the last week looking very different in terms of like day to day.
But like I would say we're probably averaging. Around 12 hours in the car every day. So she's pretty brutal. But like this last week, if they'd been like, if Jordan's driving, I'm sleeping and vice versa, like your head hits that passenger seat, 
Jordan Suarez: [00:06:00] once you're on the east coast, it's just like 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:06:02] done.
Yeah. It was brutal. 
David Syvertsen: [00:06:05] Yeah. Compare your energy now, come to when you guys started, when you had all that excitement going are you guys just like pretty much walking zombies now? Oh yeah. Forgot. Today's can be a little tough Aiden and Jordan about to do the. The nine 30 class with us a minute, an hour from now.
And it's, 
Sam Rhee: [00:06:19] it's a tough one. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:06:20] Yeah. We're excited, but yeah, we're definitely feeling 
Jordan Suarez: [00:06:22] it. We started the road trip jamming out on the road to songs, and now the playlist is getting old. 
David Syvertsen: [00:06:28] I've been told that my pleasure has been old for about eight years. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:06:31] There was one that like I was asleep and then I woke up and.
I cause I'm usually on ox and then literally there was nothing playing I'm like, have you been sitting like just the quiet the entire time? Yeah. 
Jordan Suarez: [00:06:43] Rather listen to my own thoughts. 
David Syvertsen: [00:06:46] What was what was the playlist 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:06:49] majority? We're a big country guys. A lot of country. I don't know if you heard a big booty mix, the two friends.
David Syvertsen: [00:06:54] We're a big booty jet. Yeah. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:06:57] We've probably hit every single one. 
David Syvertsen: [00:06:59] Dr. Sam re over here, I'm the guy does it all. He coaches, he's he qualified for the online masters online qualifier, a couple of years in a row. Now he's a DJ Sam. He maybe I'll have coach Mike play it. During the workout, he's starting to get into the, what do you call them?
The playlist, the mixed tape, the kind of, that kind of thing for he's come up with a couple of different places for the gym that. That we listened to now, because I think it's a sign that he's getting sick of, the music that I play. Yeah. Good. So now tell me this, if you guys could each pick one highlight from your trip, and you can take a minute to think about it.
We can edit this pretty good. But if you had one highlight from the trip, what would it be? 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:07:41] You want to go first? I think we're just going to be the same. You gotta give me two different ways. Do you want to talk about Mississippi? 
Jordan Suarez: [00:07:47] Yeah, sure. So the highlight for me would be Mississippi.
We were there about a week ago. We got there and they said they were gonna have people there, you, I was going to be an event, but we didn't expect it to be what it was. We pull up the parking lot. You can't find a spot there's at least I think we said 45. We counted 45 people. Wow. 45 people, whatever the week was it?

Aidan Malinowski: [00:08:09] Sunday, I think, was it a weekend? Pretty sure it was a Sunday night, so 
Jordan Suarez: [00:08:15] I don't even know all the days blending, but it was just incredible. There were so many people there and then the gym itself, a warrior wealth CrossFit is what it's called. It's named after one of the owners, friends who died in combat.
So that was really awesome. We got to talk to them. Did you know that ahead of time? We did not. They told us they had they made their own hero workout for them. And that was up on the wall with the flag and everything. So you guys got to do that. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:08:42] It's really good. It was just so special. Literally like tears in the eyes you saw like the emotion and just 
Jordan Suarez: [00:08:48] yeah.
And you saw how much it meant to them and that's what made that's what like was awesome to me. I was like, I'm really happy we chose you guys because, or you guys chose us. Yeah. 
David Syvertsen: [00:08:58] Yeah. That's awesome. That's that's where a lot of the hero workouts come from. We talk about this over the years, especially with newer people, like guys these workouts, like you can't really complain about them.
There's really that's the one time of the year, the workouts, not about their workout. You're really dedicating it to someone that actually, was killed in the service. And, as hard as this 20 workout might be today, Or however long that workout was with you guys and ain't that hard?
No, and I think that's it really does put things in perspective. 
Jordan Suarez: [00:09:28] That's yeah. That's what a big part of the trip was. We were like, someone asks us how long the trips are going to take, how many we're going to. And they're like, oh my God, that's so hard. We're like, yeah, that's the point. Really?
Because these men and women die for our country every day and the least we can do is go to 40, across the gyms and do a workout and selfie for an hour. 
David Syvertsen: [00:09:45] Yeah. Nah, you guys are very mature beyond your years. 
Sam Rhee: [00:09:50] A frustrating point where you're like, oh my God, this is really in here. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:09:55] Yeah. So we've had I would say definitely there were a couple of, even like a couple of days ago, 
Jordan Suarez: [00:10:00] two nights ago, 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:10:02] we were driving from North Carolina up to Virginia and then we were supposed to sleep in Delaware.
And then wound up like scratching the Virginia gym because we found out we needed an oil change. Very last minute. And then like we were driving at five o'clock at night and auto shops close at five 30, so it was great. Yeah, so one of getting our oil change at a Walmart auto center for For 45 bucks. So worked out really well. And then like Delaware happened and we just couldn't find a hotel to sleep and they're all full. You just cannot find them. 
Every hotel was booked. We booked a motel six. Got there, there were cigarette burns and pistons. Oh man. 
Jordan Suarez: [00:10:44] Dog paw prints on the bed.
Aidan Malinowski: [00:10:47] It was pretty brutal. So I just got back in the car and be like, all right, let's just keep driving and driving drove to Philly. The first hotel we stopped. I was like almost 500 bucks for a night. Just kept driving if I'm one that was still above our price range, but we were just very happy to have a bed.
So we've had a couple of those moments where it was just been like really close calls or like just super frustrating. But like we realized the next morning, like it's really worked out to our benefit. Like we were closer to the next jam, yeah. It just worked so much better. So 
David Syvertsen: [00:11:16] Yeah when things are beyond your control, you just have to let them go, oh, suck it up and go.
It's like a lot of the CrossFit workouts, right? Like you don't get to control what the workout is. And as hard as it's going to be just got to suck it up and go. And I think I always try to teach myself this and I still struggle with this time and from times, but I always say if you're going through something like that, like there's a knowing like the auto places close at five 30 hotel costs too much, is it, if it's not going to bother you the next day, don't let it ruin the moment.
Now you guys woke up the next morning and here you are still standing, and I think it's probably some big time life lessons for you guys that you learned that you'll take for the rest of your life, so 
Sam Rhee: [00:11:53] How were you able to fund yourself or pay for it? 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:11:56] So we when we started like promoting what we were doing, we did two separate fundraisers.
So we had a GoFundMe, which was mostly for like hotel nights gas, food and then we put our fundraiser link for the wounded warrior project. Our plan. Which to just use a go fund me. And then whatever's left, we'll go to the wounded warrior. The go-fund me took off. So we took it down cause we were like, this is a little ridiculous.
We don't want to be making obviously any profit off of this. So yeah, so that, and then I was going to say before, that was like one of the highlighting moments for us too, was the go fund me. There was like one day where like our families really got behind us and Push it out. And we raised like $3,000 in a day.
Wow. Yeah. Yeah. It's a good problem when you're like, Hey, like we have too much money. This is ridiculous. Yeah. Yeah, it's been insane, but marketing, it was very tough, but it was a slow process, but then it just absolutely. 
David Syvertsen: [00:12:51] Now, is this something that you guys would do again down the road?
Jordan Suarez: [00:12:56] Very far down the road. 
David Syvertsen: [00:12:57] Yeah. Yeah, because I only asked that because you guys, this is the first time did something like this, so it's hard to get like major publicity out about this, but, it's like anything, when you open up a gym and we opened up, we thought we were going to be huge in year one.
We weren't, it's just as a slow, steady rise, I wonder. And maybe not even you guys that run the trip, maybe you guys, do you have any plans to try and get other people involved and maybe put together. Some sort of trip where two guys, you pick two guys to go out and you get behind them a little bit help the market.
Is that something that you guys are 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:13:29] I'd love to do somethinglike that, we've joked a couple of times because obviously the only two states we haven't been to are Alaska and Hawaii. Yeah. So we, we joked a little bit, but I think it was also a little bit serious of Pardon to possibly make an, a part during a week in each or something and making it like big and trying to make two really big events.
Because now I feel like we do have a lot of support behind us. 
David Syvertsen: [00:13:49] So sometimes it takes something. You have to prove that you're going to go do it, rather than because I'm sure this has been an idea for some people, but yeah. Again, prompts you guys for following through, and here you are on the last day.
Crazy. But that's something that like now, like even our group, like they're going to meet you guys today. I can't wait to introduce them to you and you to them. I was like, all right, these kids did it. They walked the walk. They didn't say they were going to do it. And yeah, maybe down the road. It's almost like the end of the cross it open every year.
You're just like, ah, like I'm so sick of this thing I don't even want to think about, but by the time that next year rolls around, you're doing it again. You ready to rock? So he had maybe something down the road that, or you share it with a couple other guys, where like you take 25 Stacy's guys take 25 stays, at the end of the day, it's all for the same cause.
Yeah. You touched on it earlier, Jordan, the CrossFit community, it's such a universal language. Like where even, you could take, go outside the United States. If you see 2115 on a whiteboard, you know what, 2159 is, the words are in different language, you stayed domestic.
So everything's in English obviously, just talk about both of you guys touch on the CrossFit community nationwide, how we all are one culture. 
Jordan Suarez: [00:14:56] Yeah, It's crazy. Ever since I started I started in his basement because he has a home gym and it was like middle of the pandemic.
So I didn't really get to experience it. I walked into my first CrossFit gym first day. Oh, wow. Wow. That's crazy. That's awesome. But then as I go, I like learned like the community and it's probably like the best thing I've ever experienced. It's everyone's cheering you on. Everyone wants you to do good.
Everyone wants you to succeed. And that's the best part because I like motivation a lot. We motivate each other. It's just been awesome. Learning the community and being a part of the community. And I just can't wait to continue. 
David Syvertsen: [00:15:31] Now, do you have plans to go back to working out with him or do you go to a gym or you're not sure yet.
Jordan Suarez: [00:15:37] Oh yeah. We have a gym at home. It was our first off of the trip actually crossed it DHP and port gestation. I don't know if you ever heard of that, but yeah, that's our home. That's going to be my home gym when I come back. That's awesome. It's been there 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:15:50] for awhile. 
David Syvertsen: [00:15:51] So you've been there and now know without trying to like, find the line of you don't want to talk too badly about anyone on this trip, but did you see like a significant difference gym to gym, even though it's like a universal clan there are varying qualities of coaching and programming and, can you touch on that one? 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:16:12] Yeah, absolutely. So first of all, yeah, like every gym is super, super unique. They're all CrossFit gyms, but everyone has their own style, their own layout, their own programming, their own coaching style, whatever.
We definitely experienced some gyms where more hands-off like we had a workout a couple of days ago where it was like, grab your stuff and go, and that's it. No, cool down after that one, but no, like Jeremy was saying, and then after that one class, like one of the coaches was one of the nicest ladies you've ever met.
It's just everyone's different, but like the community at the end is insane. The people like, getting behind each other and just wanting them to be better for their own selves. It's just awesome. And then coming from like the growing community, that's what I was all about in high school.
And college was like getting behind each other and getting them going and going in those numbers and like that transition cross, it was like so smooth. It was amazing. My first workout, it was like, I went over Christmas breaks. We did sled push for max weight.
And we were all like getting in each other's faces go. It's just unreal. 
David Syvertsen: [00:17:13] Yeah. I think everyone hasn't got experience early on across that either gets you hooked or it makes you understand what this really is. It's not just a workout. It can be day to day, but when we really pull back the layers a little bit, it's it goes a lot deeper than 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:17:27] it's been way bigger.
Sam Rhee: [00:17:29] Yeah. You hit some big, known gym with the athletes Trivium and Think Tank and some of these other places. What was that like? Did you meet anyone? 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:17:37] So we didn't meet anyone or we kinda got a little unlucky in that department, so we should have a think tank and that was their international rest day of active recovery.
None of that, nobody was there. It wasn't like Jordan and I on bikes. I was like, I really like that. 
David Syvertsen: [00:17:53] They have a lot of those guys there right now, training for the semi-finals and games. 
Jordan Suarez: [00:17:58] They had an intern there and I was like, I have to ask, where is Noah coming into? He was like, nah, Fisher. Yeah. And then we pull in, I don't know if but no Olsen has a black Tesla. So we pull in. I would see a black Tesla and we're like, oh,
that's someone else's black Tesla. 
David Syvertsen: [00:18:17] He's got a black tesla, 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:18:20] but yeah. And then even Trivium, like everyone from Trivium and transitioned over to Shane Orr's gym. So nobody's really there. It is what it is. It was so cool to just see the episode, especially think tank. Yeah.
They produce some 
David Syvertsen: [00:18:30] yeah, I know. Even like their average athletes are like the elite. Did you look into going to mayhem at all, Tennessee? 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:18:36] Actually, we had been to met him before? Yeah, we didn't do it work out there, but like we, his brother lives in Nashville. So over Christmas break, before the trip, we just went down and visited and stopped by just to once the fan girl, like when we got rich in there, once you got, it was like a Sunday, I read it. Like the worst planners are bad luck. But yeah, so we, we figured let's try Trivium. But. Those were those two were awesome. It was cool just to be like, see it in real life. We always see it on Instagram, no Olsen 
Jordan Suarez: [00:19:06] content on our picture too.
He was like, I'm sorry, I missed you guys. We were like, wow, 
David Syvertsen: [00:19:12] we're actually still 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:19:14] in the shower.
Jordan Suarez: [00:19:18] It's 
David Syvertsen: [00:19:19] crazy. How life has changed over the past 20 years, you told me 20 years ago, you had excited about like they Castro commented on one of our things. One time it's like. You feel silly that you get Pappy about that, but it's just, that's the world we live in now. Did COVID did that, do it the impact, your trip at all because you guys were, things are getting better across the country.
We're still not fully out of it, but even New Jersey was one of the last states to lift, the mandatory mass mandate. What were, did you see any significant changes during the trip? 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:19:50] So when I like putting the word out there initially. We got a couple of like negative comments specifically from like our town a little bit.
Yeah. Cause they were like, really like we're in the middle of the pandemic, you're going to travel and spread the virus. And I'm like we don't want to be that those people. And I was like, look like if someone has to wear a mask and wear a mask, we're going to get vaccinated, that's it. We're going to do it.
And then the first week we were wearing masks. 
David Syvertsen: [00:20:15] So I remember when we talked initially. In March, we were saying, we're still wearing the mask. We'll be wearing them until, you know 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:20:23] yeah. That's like what we've seen. It's just we're about them at the gym. We know we don't want to ruffle any feathers by any means, we want to keep everyone healthy, it was tough at first, especially, so 
David Syvertsen: [00:20:34] it's one thing, if you guys were blind joy ride, we're raising money. 
Jordan Suarez: [00:20:38] We're not just going to goof off. 
Yeah, but and then. We were used to it. Like I said, going to school in upstate New York, they're just as strict as any other state.
We did the open and masks, yeah, it's brutal. 
David Syvertsen: [00:20:49] But yeah. Yeah. We'd like to tell ourselves that our scores would have been 10% better
be competing at us semifinal right back now. 
Sam Rhee: [00:21:00] So when you went, were there workouts where you're like, yeah, this is awesome. I'm so glad they programmed it. Or if it was like karen,
Jordan Suarez: [00:21:12] we had a couple of really good workouts that we enjoyed in New Mexico, we had a It was a deck of cards and you go and you take it, the suit is the workout and the numbers of the reps. That is cool. Yeah. It was just so much fun and it was teams. So we were partners and we would just it was fun.
And at the end of the workout, you made your best poker hand. It was fun. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:21:31] It was just absolute madness too, which I like love it. 
David Syvertsen: [00:21:34] So cool. I'm like movement for every suit, right? 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:21:38] Yeah. And so like our dads have flown out for a couple of days to drive with us. So they were there for that and they got to experience like the madness of CrossFit. 

David Syvertsen: [00:21:46] Tell me what today's workout is going to be. Exactly. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:21:48] So I was like, just giggling a little bit. I'm like, I can't wait to hear what they have to say for that after, but yeah, 
David Syvertsen: [00:21:53] that's totally. That was fun. Yeah. What did you guys, I'm curious about this, you guys are young, so you could probably get away with much more than Sam and I, but what did what did you guys eat?
Did you go out every time? Did you get to a point you're like. Screw it let's go to waffle house. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:22:07] Yeah. There were definitely some points. So we like enjoyed ourselves, of course. Like it was still wasn't trip, but like I never had raising canes if I don't know if you've ever heard of that.
Exactly. It's nowhere in the Northeast, but In the south, it's like the thing it's like chicken, 
Jordan Suarez: [00:22:21] Fried chicken so good. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:22:27] They're like the best chicken fingers are out of my life, but eat the culture. Most part, it was like trying to hit macros is really tough, especially protein. And like we're both bigger guys. Like that protein goes a little bit higher. Yeah. Yeah. There was like a couple of days where I'd have 10 protein bars.

Jordan Suarez: [00:22:42] That's it like every time we stopped for gas, you get to three 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:22:46] it's like a recovery and then yeah, figuring out later, but 
David Syvertsen: [00:22:51] put on the car. 
Jordan Suarez: [00:22:52] It's going to be probably 16,000 when we get home. Yeah. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:22:55] That's awesome. It's mom's very generous. 
Jordan Suarez: [00:22:57] We took our mom's car. Yeah. My car wouldn't make her, 
David Syvertsen: [00:23:01] she's going to be back home tonight in your beds 
Jordan Suarez: [00:23:04] by I don't know, one o'clock 
David Syvertsen: [00:23:05] The second this workout's over. Yeah. 
Jordan Suarez: [00:23:07] I'll be asleep by one 30. 
David Syvertsen: [00:23:10] You guys gotta be so stoked to just get back home now. Are you going to be back at school in the fall? Is that kind of the plan right now? 
Jordan Suarez: [00:23:18] The plan is fully in person classes, but we don't know about the masks yet, but it is what it is. Yeah. We also, we have our own we got our house off campus this year, so we have some freedom in that way.
David Syvertsen: [00:23:31] Yeah. Okay, cool. You got to get the gym set up, right? 
Jordan Suarez: [00:23:34] We might chip in for a biker 
David Syvertsen: [00:23:35] cause. Okay. And we just got, honestly, I just got our first one. And it's awesome. It's a demo stimulus than the assault bike. It's more aerobic. You could definitely just, it's a more, it's more functional workouts and it's great to just hop on.
You have a half hour, just hop off. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:23:51] Have you ever seen like the erg desk? They have the desk attachment so you can work on it, especially if I'm doing like any online classes. 
David Syvertsen: [00:23:58] How about how these guys think when I was 21, I was just like, I don't want any more classes and I'll get a party Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
You guys are. That's awesome. What would you have done differently now that you actually went through all of this? 
Jordan Suarez: [00:24:15] I feel like we should. If we ever do it again, I feel like we should get more time in each state because even though it was like fun to get through it in 29 days and it was a good accomplishment, we w we, we didn't get to enjoy some of the states that we'd like to we drove past the grand canyon, but we really wanted to go stop and see, but we didn't have time.
David Syvertsen: [00:24:35] So 29 days, does that mean you were going to two gyms and one day a lot, most of the time you're working out majority. 
Wow I didn't know that.
Aidan Malinowski: [00:24:44] That was one of the most brutal turnaround. So we, so I'm sure, like Sundays are like tight windows for CrossFit and we had intuitive program for Sunday.
So we got up, worked out at eight. Drove an hour worked at a 10. 
David Syvertsen: [00:24:56] Oh, like getting in a car for that long. It's tough working out. Yeah. 

Jordan Suarez: [00:25:01] Yeah. I feel like if we had more time in each day, like if we did 48 states, 48 days, I feel like that'd be awesome. Yeah. But we're we were on a tight window. His little brother is graduating high school next week or so.
Yeah. And we start work. It couldn't happen this summer, but if we ever do it again. Yeah. Okay. 
David Syvertsen: [00:25:17] So spread it out a little bit more. 
Sam Rhee: [00:25:19] What were some of the things you really learned? That you never would have learned other than doing this trip. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:25:27] And like we were saying before, like sometimes, like you can't see it now, like it'll make sense later.
Like God's got your back because that's like something we definitely show with. We encountered some nights where it was like just super stressful where literally we didn't know where we're going to be sleeping that night. And we, we'd do well. Like we've never experienced that kind of a problem.
And that was something like, I think we need to do strands and just have that in our minds and. Just push through and know that it's going to work out. It has, we're, they are, where it stayed number 48 and number 29. 
Sam Rhee: [00:25:57] So yeah, that's a confidence builder for sure to be able to be in this situation. 
David Syvertsen: [00:26:04] Absolutely. You guys are, you guys will definitely apply what you learned on this trip to the future. There's no doubt about it. 
Sam Rhee: [00:26:11] What would you want to put out for people to hear about when she did, what kind of message would you want to put out there? 
Jordan Suarez: [00:26:18] We've been telling people because We did better than we thought with the, on the donation side of things.
But we, at this point, we're just telling people to spread the awareness because that's the biggest thing. Spread the awareness about the men and women that sacrificed their lives every day. It's just the most important part because I feel like they don't get. As much respect and I don't know the word, but as they need, as they deserve.
But yeah, I think this whole pandemic really I feel like it probably went closer to physically like in your households and everything, but it also separated a lot of people, but I feel like we should all come together and focus on supporting the right things in the world. That's definitely should be a number one priority.
Aidan Malinowski: [00:26:57] awesome. Yeah. Yeah, I definitely agree. I know, and I posted something that last night that I think people need to hear more of is You don't have to be a veteran to want to help veterans Jordan and I have never served. And we're there helping veterans.
And I think literally everyone can, because it's so easy now it is to, and the wounded warrior project. I can't vouch for them enough. They make it so easy to help veterans, it's like, So I'm like $19 gets like a veteran, like one PTSD treatment like a therapy session.
That's so easy. That's like to Starbucks. Yeah, 
Jordan Suarez: [00:27:30] that's true. I might even be one. 
Aidan Malinowski: [00:27:34] So if you need to get anything out of this, it's, first of all, like you can do anything to make it happen and help others, but like it's worth it, it's so worth it. Cool. 
David Syvertsen: [00:27:44] All right, Aiden, Jordan.
Thanks so much, man. You guys deserve a ton of respect and appreciation from us. Thanks for everything you guys do. And we're going to cap off this trip with an awesome workout with each other or, Anything we can do to help you guys out, down the road, let us know. Thank you.
Thank you. 

S01E04 - Resiliency and Toughness


S01E02 June 14 2021 -Pursuing Quality Movements vs. Quality Scores