S02E41 How to CRUSH CrossFit Open 22.3

This is a special episode of the HERDFIT which dropped TONIGHT right after the CrossFit Open @crossfitgames live announcement of the last event, 22.3. For the last time in the Open season, we recorded our hot tips and takes for our final Open Workout of 2022 at CrossFit Bison.

For time:

21 pull-ups / 42 double-unders / 21 thrusters (weight 1)

18 chest-to-bar pull-ups / 36 double-unders / 18 thrusters (weight 2)

15 bar muscle-ups / 30 double-unders / 15 thrusters (weight 3)

M: 95 lb, then 115 lb, then 135 lb

W: 65 lb, then 75 lb, then 85 lb

Time cap: 12 minutes

You can find more information at our website, HerdFitUSA.com. Like and subscribe wherever you watch or listen to our podcast!

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[00:00:00] David Syvertsen: All right. Welcome back to the podcast. This is a coach David Syvertsen here with doctor and coach Sam Murray. We are in here for the third week in a row reviewing the CrossFit open workout that just came out a few hours ago. 22.3, coach. Sam just took it on. We got probably say thank you to him.

He's he I took one for the team. Who's the herd fit Guinea pig in terms of doing the workout every Thursday night, and then still being out of breath for the third week in a row and giving us some kind of actual real life, real time feedback for those that are taking it on both Friday and Sunday in the upcoming weekend.

So Sam, good work, you are officially done with the cross it

[00:00:37] Sam Rhee: open. Um, And I wanted to say to all of our members, all the people who have been participating in the open this year, For sure. This has been the best open experience I've had in terms of all of our members participating. I don't mind Thursdays when there are a lot of people that show up they're cheering the people who did it with me Alvin Heidi will who else did Haley Haley.

Really cool. And then everyone who's chairing. And then, and mark Holly and mark. Yeah. And watching 'em and then watching everyone on Friday and then Sunday do it this the past couple of weeks, everyone has tried so hard and they've really given it their max effort. And it's been so inspiring. And if we can just sit here and talk a little bit about it and give some people some thoughts when they chase it.

I love that and I just want to say I get so much more out of it. I really appreciate everyone. I think everyone has been doing so amazingly well. And everyone else out there also, who's not part of bison, but who's listening to our podcast. I hope you got the same type of positive experience out of the open that

[00:01:39] David Syvertsen: we did.

Yeah. Hell yeah. Yeah, no, I think it's, it's been a really fun open. It's funny how it's, we liked the three weeks for the gym, but it goes by so fast, and but that's what makes it special. That's what makes it unique. You know what, we'll probably do an open recap at some point in the coming weeks and also something similar to we did last year in terms of all right, you just did the open.

Some of you guys have we'll have a fire burning after that, whether you're happy or unhappy or have a goal for the next year. And we'll go into some deeper thoughts on what you can take from the open and what you can apply to the next 11 months of training, because we'll be back, we'll be back sitting here again in 11 months.

I want to shout

[00:02:15] Sam Rhee: out also, it would be remiss for me not to miss. Your performance in 22.2. It's so weird when you open up your CrossFit games app and it's scrolling through and you're seeing the leaderboard and you see the 35 to 39 men's and you see Austin malleoli and then you see David Syvertsen number two.

I was like, I know that guy. Yeah. That was really amazing. So congratulations for that. Yep. You got to take your victories wherever you can get them. That's right. It was a pretty cool one. Yeah, that

[00:02:41] David Syvertsen: was cool. That was thanks, Sam. All right, so this workout. Okay. We have 21 pull-ups 42 double and there's 21 thrusters.

All right. That barbell. That's a very common rep scheme with thrusters and this kind of workout. So it's 21. Pull-ups 42 double 21 thrusters at Fran weight. That is 95, 65, not a heavy barbell, not a light bar bell for. But a movement that most people can cycle. That's the start of your workout. You go back to the rig 18 chest of our pull-ups 36 double on there's 18 thrusters at a heavier weight, one 15 guys, 75 ladies.

And then the last set is 15 muscle-ups 30 double unders 15 thrusters at 1 35 85. So the reps go down, every set, the complexity of gymnastics increases and the barbell weight increases for a movement that we don't commonly see anything beyond 95. 65 in the open with thruster. So that's a new element.

It kind of new twists on that movement. When you first saw the workout at three o'clock other than the fact that CrossFit Hendersonville does not deserve to host an open national over bison, kudos

[00:03:43] Sam Rhee: to Crossman Hendersonville for the number of registrations I

[00:03:46] David Syvertsen: have. Yes. Beautiful gym too. I like, it's funny.

Whenever I see stuff like that, I see all the warehouse in the parking lot. I'm like, man, that's a cool parking lot. But anyway, what were your initial thoughts? And you saw the

[00:03:57] Sam Rhee: workout? When I saw the team I mean, obviously you can't take away a lot from CrossFit. Reykjavik's a team because they just go ham on everything.

Yeah. When I saw Hendersonville and I saw the men take ginormous rests during the bar muscle ups. I am not as fit as they are. I'm going to have to take even more time during the first two parts of this. That was my thought. I don't like looking at a whole lot beforehand. If I'm going to go on a Thursday night, right.

So I felt what is my pace going to be? What would I feel comfortable with? So I have enough in the tank and I'm not gassed by the time I get to the bar muscle ups. And that's what I thought.

[00:04:31] David Syvertsen: Cool. Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking around the same thoughts is that it looks, it's like a trap workout because.

When you was a common guest, right. People will say, it's going to be something like Fran or Fran with double unders or heavy Fran or sending Fran. Right. It's like that in that there's that barbell that thrust her motion and there's the rig involved. Right? The jump rope is not a big factor, very low volume jump rope site have been ignoring that in the analysis of everything.

I haven't even been looking at the doubles because it's such a small amount, but it's a trap. If you think this is anything like. And, unless you are, you are the elite of the elite and you just basically do everything on broken. Right. And I think that the reason I say that is Fran goes down by six reps.

Every single time you start a new. So it's 21 reps of pull-ups and thrusters that it's 15, 15, then it's nine, nine. This only goes down by three. All right. So the jump down in weights, that is one of the reasons why sorry, the jump down in reps is one of the reasons why Fran is a sprint workout and the intensity can be high throughout, but when you're only going down by three.

And you're also making the movement more difficult than what you just previously did. That's where it mentally and physically can ruin you if you're not expecting that. So I think everyone needs to know when you go into this workout, get Fran out of your head, and unless it's something that you're building a pace off of, which we'll, I'll talk about that later, but I really think you got to just view this, even though the movements and moving patterns are similar.

It's nothing

[00:05:56] Sam Rhee: like Fran. Yeah. I mean, my thought was when I finish a set of anything. What pace can I maintain where I'm not going to be gassed to get to the next movement? So for me pull ups I, I knew I could do seven or eight in a row, but then if I did two, three sets of that or just two sets, I would be pretty gassed.

I'd be breathing pretty hard. So I said, what number of pull-ups can I do for me? It was. Five. For some people it might only be two or three and then you have to get off the rig and then another two or three. That's totally fine. That's what I did for the chest bars, because I knew if I tried to pull together five or six, I could, but then by the time I would get to the double unders I'd be like, right.

So, and then same with the thrusters. I said, what number of thrusters could I do? Where by the time I'm done with the thrusters, I'm not gassed. And I didn't care if it was. Three or four. Yup. That that's fine. I had no

[00:06:48] David Syvertsen: problem doing that. Yep. And some athletes, I even talked to someone earlier about tomorrow's workout and she was saying, she's I really don't even know, like when I'm relaxing, like I don't know what it means.

And she'd been crossing over a long time or I have no concept of clock and timing. I think there's a really simple way to put this. If you can't control your. Of a nice, smooth, steady, like breathing every three or four count like I don't want to do it on the microphone. It'd be weird.

But if you can't control it right. If it's like a constant back and forth, right. Like you can't talk at all right. That's a sign you got to slow down. Right. All right. And yes, you want to avoid that altogether until you're at the end of the workout anyway. But if you feel like you're getting there in the middle of the set of thrusters or pull-ups, or in your transition, Take the extra 15, 20 seconds.

Don't look at what anyone else is doing. Don't worry about someone else beating you. If you can't control your breathing and you still have over a minute left to work, don't

[00:07:39] Sam Rhee: keep going. Yeah. I felt especially in the second set I would check and I say, could I take a deep breath? Can I take a deep breath out.

Right. And if I could still do that, I'm okay. And if I started not being able to do that, all right, let me like, for example, of the last 18 thrusters, I broke those up into three and three, just so that I could maintain that kind of breath count. Yeah.

[00:07:59] David Syvertsen: So it's smart. I want you guys to take this in Sam.

So Sam got five thrusters at that final bar. Shoulders are to bother him during his muscle ups. So it, it did, it threw him off. He started feeling some Muslims and I could even tell, I didn't know anything was bothering him, but I was watching when I was saying that it looked like his movement started to change.

There was less snap to him. So now that I hear that shoulder bothering them, if I hate playing the F game, but if that didn't happen, I'm pretty confident he would have finished. And I, I bring that up because. That's going to be a common goal. We're going to, we're going to have a lot of people and a lot of you guys listening that might be your goal RX or scaled.

Hey, I just want to see if I can finish this. You can break things up so much. Like he was doing sets of five from the beginning, even though he could have done 15, he was doing sets of three, even though he probably could have done six. It's not important for you to do big set. If the goal is to simply finish under 12 minutes, it is not important for you to do big sets anywhere.

All right. I think what's more important is that you never get to a point where you're just staring at the bar or bar bell for 30 seconds at a time. That's what you need to do. And if you, if you break it, then things up more than you think you would, right? If you have this thought of like, all right, I might break it up two or three times, try breaking up three or four times and you're still going to be better and you'll feel better as you go.

I agree with

[00:09:15] Sam Rhee: that a thousand percent. The other thing is, is the double. I'm not always the best double under person, but the number of double unders, like Dave said, it's a non-factor because even if I could only eat out, I mean, I actually felt pretty good on them today, but I had confidence going in.

Cause I knew even if I broke on the 42, like three times or four times, and I was only getting 10 at a time, it didn't matter because there weren't that many. And I knew as soon as I got through it, the next set would be less and the next set would be less. So, um, If you are someone who's not super rock solid on your double.

Totally fine. This is a confidence booster. Just you'll just get through it, even if you have to eke out 6, 7, 8, 9 at a time.

[00:09:55] David Syvertsen: Totally fine. Yup. Yup. I agree with that. So, now let's talk about a plan where if someone wants to, they're very confident they can finish this. How fast can you go?

Right. I think some of the fastest times in the world, I'm guessing I'm actually having a hard time putting all this together. I think you're going to see people below five or like in the, even in the low fours, I think that's going to happen. But for, for the people that are very confident, they can finish it.

It does help to know where it, how fast can this be done? All right. I'm not on that level. All right. I think it's realistic. Even for some people in bison to be in like the 6, 7, 8 range. I do think it's possible. And so yes, you have to do bigger sets than five, right? You have to rest a little bit less.

One thing I think could help you out is start understanding how long the 20 ones take the 18 steak. And then the muscle-ups right? The muscle-up is a much longer movement than a chess where pull up. If you have solid butterflies, most people are about one rep per second. So you can get off that set of 21 in 21, 22 seconds for most people.

If, if they're on broken and they're study on them, the muscle loves, even if you went on broken on that, that's probably minimum 40 to 50, 45 seconds. Right? So you need to know like that fact alone with the heavier thrusters, that my thought was the sets of 21 and 18, those first two sets of. That can probably be considered a halfway point of your more time.

[00:11:20] Sam Rhee: Yeah, because the butterflies are quick. If you're good at those, you will rip through those. Right? The thruster weight is light for good athletes. You should be able to knock out big sets quickly. And I would

[00:11:32] David Syvertsen: even say like the set of 15 is like, well, yeah, most people are gonna be breaking those up. Very few people.

Even the elite will be breaking those up. I don't think anyone's going to go into that thing. I'm going to try to go for 15. It's not probably not going to happen. You're probably looking at three, two or three sets and that's, if you're really confident with that weight. So you're going to have to budget some of that time as well.

Whereas I think the 20 ones and eighteens for, if you get, if you're good at thrusters and you try and really go for it and this time, I think that's going to be on broken or two sets with a really quick break. You should probably try to build out. What is your goal time? Say it's nine minutes. All right.

And then see, try to build out paces for the 20 ones and eighteens we'd done between four and four 30. Knowing that that set of fifteens might take around that time. I

[00:12:11] Sam Rhee: like your calculation. This is a hard one to really figure out what your pace time will be. Unfortunately, if you had the juice to do it twice, you could probably really sort of dial, dial yourself in, but working off of your Fran time is like you mentioned before is a really good way.

Guesstimating where you might want

[00:12:31] David Syvertsen: to go. So I'll talk about that real quick, because again, I don't want anyone thinking this is like France, but France starts off with 21 thrusters 21. Pull-ups right. And I've seen people do that workout. I've watched that do that workout. I, sorry, I've done the workout.

And I've watched, you will do that workout so many times. A lot of times, if someone, unless someone falls apart, the 2121 is usually about the halfway point, give or take maybe a little under the halfway point of someone's time. And. So I've seen people do that in a minute, 15, the 2121.

And so I think what I would do, that's how this workout starts off with a little set of double unders that I'm just going to completely ignore for now. All right. What, however long your Fran time is. Okay. And this is, I think this is going to help set up your heart rate for the rest of the workout.

Try to do the 21 first set of jump rope. The next set of 21, just under that. That's what I think that I think that's a good goal. Okay. And then I know if, if you're a CrossFitter for a long time, your friend time, you should have a decent idea of what your friend is right now.

Approximately be within 20 seconds and give yourself that much time, maybe a little less. All right. And take that for the 21, the jumper up the 21. And I guarantee you we'll go into the meat of the workout, which is when the eighteens come into play the chess bar and the heavier thrusters. That's when that shit's going to get real, you're going to go into that feeling good.

Yep. Whereas if you go sprint, like you're doing Fran a two to three minute workout or three to four minutes. If you went that fast, I bet the eighteens are going to be miserable and then you have to get to the really hard part. Yeah. All right. So I think the biggest goal everyone needs to think about is I want to make sure I feel.

Slash good. When I get to the really hard part of the workout, what that is for you, it's going to be different based on what we're talking to.

[00:14:15] Sam Rhee: I think if people are good at the bar muscle ups, the chest to bar is the harder part to me. And if it wasn't for my shoulders for getting, acting up a little bit on the bar muscle ups, I, I felt like those actually, because you're kipping and sort of, you can be pretty efficient on them, especially if you have a really nice Kip and you have good body control.

I know there are people at the gym that would do 15 bar muscle ups. And find it less taxing than the 18

[00:14:40] David Syvertsen: Chester bars, right? Yeah. Yeah, definitely. It, it depends as you do have an efficient butterfly or not. That's a big part of it. Like if, if you made me go out there and go do kipping a bar, instead of butterfly, I would have a really hard time like that.

That was a tough movement. I probably would even just do some. I really did. I think I would go singles on that so I can rip through everything else. If I, if I, if I lose my butterfly or I don't have the butterfly, so really I think that to sum it up guys, I think the best thing to do here is break things up more than you think, try to be disciplined with it, right.

W and, and know what you can and cannot do. And if, by some chance you get to the end of your workout, those 15 muscle ups, and you're feeling good. Going through the tank, go ham, go forward. Maybe you can go bang out nine in a row. What you don't want is to get there. You do one or two, and you're like, wow, I'm really tired, but you know what?

You're going to spend the rest of the workout. And you're going to

[00:15:33] Sam Rhee: get mad at yourself. I wanted to add just before I forgot, there are a couple people that had trouble figuring out should I do foundation? Should I do scaled good point? And because they would look at that last thruster weight and say, wow, this is really heavy.

Or they would look at the last gymnastic movement and say, boy, I don't know if I can do. Chest to bars or even jumping chest to bars. And maybe I have to scale down. And my, my question always was to them. Could you do one of those thrusters at the heaviest weight? If you can do one and if you think you could do at least one or two, or maybe even not, if, if you could do the first two gymnastic movements, well then challenge yourself.

Go for it. Because I know a lot of people that are going to RX it, they might not be able to get a single bar muscle up, but. Want to scale the rest of it because they can handle almost everything else. Go for it. Yeah. I say, go for it. There's a tie break. That, that

[00:16:26] David Syvertsen: works. Yeah. And for the masses, like this workouts program for the masses, right.

It's designed to put most people at a point where they can't go on. Right, right. Or they get to a point where they really, the stimulus goes from all right. I'm doing 15, 20 reps of. 10 to 15 reps, a minute to three reps a minute. That's like the design for general fitness. Now your higher end, their athletes, your competitors could probably maintain pace no matter what movement you throw at them, what ways.

But it's okay to get there in a workout, right? Like the, we had two pretty inclusive weeks of programming. Let this one challenge a little bit. And if you get to the bar and you have to stay in there for four minutes, trying to get your first muscle up or pull up or thruster at that weight, I

[00:17:03] Sam Rhee: say, go for it.

Yeah. If you can do most of whatever you feel comfortable with the first two parts of it. Yeah.

[00:17:08] David Syvertsen: Definitely go for it. All right. So thank you guys. This is the last one I always say in the last one. Just, just don't leave anything out there. Don't leave and don't have any regrets. With it, just go into it and, have fun, stay positive and know that we're, we're still going to be here next Monday, watching, nothing changes, whether you crush it or get crushed, don't, don't take it more seriously than what it is.

And for all the guys that are on the brink are on the bubble of that top 10%. We will get the question a lot. Should I repeat it? And if you are on the bubble and you think you could do better, my answer is going to be, yes. All right. Thanks guys.


S02E42 The Origin of CrossFit Bison Part 4
