The next stage after the 2022 CrossFit Open is set - from April 21 to 24, the top 10% of age-group athletes from each division have been invited to compete in the Age-Group Quarterfinal. The top 10% athletes of each age division in the Teens and Masters will compete for a chance to go to the CrossFit Games Semifinals, the last stop before the Games.

We preview the equipment list, possible movements and hazard a guess or two about the events themselves.

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[00:00:00] David Syvertsen: All right. Welcome back to the HerdFit podcast. I'm coach David Syvertsen. I'm here with coach and Dr. Sam Rhee We are here going to break down the equipment list and maybe just talk about the age online qualifier. Weekend, which is April 21st to 24th. And I don't want to really talk too much about preparing for it.

I just think that us talking about the equipment, you can get some wheels spinning. We did this last year, it was fun. We predicted what we were going to see. And we were right for most part kind of like what we, we, we didn't get all the combinations. But in terms of what we were going to be using april 21st, 24th there, if you finish top 10% in the world in your age group, this is including teens and then a master's division starting at age 35. And there's a new division starting every five years. So 35 to 39, 40 to 44, 45 to 49, et cetera. And there's over the course of the April 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, four days.

You're going to have to do five or six workouts. That's last year. It was five. And our five events I should say, and, be prepared for more. It's possible that we'll see more. And this is where you start to see the workouts. Take a turn. It's no longer about being inclusive is now starting to find the fittest athletes in the world and the workouts in some cases are not doable.

If you finish top 10% in the world, you're pretty good at CrossFit. There are still people in that window. A lot of people that they can't do a couple of these workouts because they're too hard, too heavy too skilled and dangerous, too dangerous. So that's what this weekend will be.

We are no longer talking about fitness at this point. You're now in the full-blown sports stage of it, even though the vast majority. That qualify are going through this for the experience and just Hey, I qualified. I deserve to be here. I'm going to go do it. They know that, getting to the next stage is tough.

The next stage is top three. Out of these, so in my division alone, I think there's 33,000 guys, top 30, make it to the next stage. So that means 2,700 will not make the next stage. Okay.

[00:01:57] Sam Rhee: And, but congratulations to you. I just want to shout out you made 96th place in the open, so you're in the top 100.

So you're right. Third but 30 is very rare. Yeah.

[00:02:09] David Syvertsen: Yeah. I mean, just look at some of the names of my group. I'm like, holy cow, like three years ago, I was watching these guys at the games crushing workouts. So it was cool. But yet we have 14 athletes from bison qualifying and by the time this airs, we're probably gonna be two weeks away from it, I think two, three weeks away.

So really it's just shout out to them. I'm so proud of them actually meeting with them tonight on zoom. And it's going to go over a few. It really is a Testament to their hard work. And a lot of them have been working at this for a really long time. They do a lot of things that other people don't know about.

They make a lot of sacrifices to train and really proud of them for, for getting there. So CrossFit just released the equipment that you need for this stage, and we want to break it down. What to expect, what have we done in the past? What did we not do last year? Because assuming they'll switch it up.

One big thing. I want to say that will likely be different. I want to get your thoughts on this last year, the individual team and masters the quarterfinal workouts were all pretty much the same. And we were told that would not be the case this year. What do you

[00:03:06] Sam Rhee: think? Well, the equipment list is different, very different.

So I assume that it will be different. I don't know if that's good or bad because the ago Q workouts in the past have been really hard. Yeah. And I don't know if that means that's not going to make them any easier. Just because the equipment looks

[00:03:21] David Syvertsen: slightly different. Oh yeah. No, I don't think it'd be easier to just be different.

I like the fact that they're different for honestly, one main reason. There are athletes that qualify. So they qualify for the age long qualifier the masters, and then there's, they also qualify for the individual, which is this upcoming weekend Owen. He might be taking on this weekend. He qualified.

He's not sure if he's going to do it, but he, so he's going to be taking on workouts this week, next weekend. And there's a few of us that might hop in with him. I got a couple of friends that are going to come up and do one of the workouts here. But if you qualify for both and you did the workouts, individual, And then you did the same exact workouts.

Four weeks later. I feel like you have an advantage I decide not to do the. So it's not, I'm not going to say it's unfair, but I just think it takes away some of the competition feel that if you did the exact workout three weeks prior to, and you knew that was actually coming again.

If CrossFit announced that the equipment list were the same, I almost feel like it's, it's not a real

[00:04:14] Sam Rhee: competition. That is true. I actually didn't even think about that. And you're right. The surprise factor. It's something I'm looking forward to this year.

[00:04:21] David Syvertsen: Yeah, me too. Yeah. And the surprise factor. So they come out with these workouts Thursday at three o'clock.

So on Monday. So I should have said this first, the Monday. They come out with the layout of every workout. So they take a picture and overhead picture of how they want the gym set up or your workout space set up for that workout. So they obviously, so you obviously know what equipment is out of your workout.

I wouldn't say what movement, but for example, last year, I think the first workout was our one. I think the first workout was to dump belt for the open division. They had two dumbbells, a handstand pushup mat and a jump rope. So you knew that you were doing something with. You knew you were doing handstand push-ups and you knew you were doing jump rope, so it gives you a feel.

There's a surprise. There's still a surprise factor though, because on Thursday at 3:00 PM that come out with the workouts, but also new last year and will be the case again, this year is they come out with these workouts. They come out with all of them Thursday at 3:00 PM. Eastern, you have to submit workouts one and two within the next 21 hours.

All right. So w which is basically saying, Hey, get to the gym Thursday night, do one, and then Friday morning do one. And if you need to do both, and they're actually telling you what ones you got to do, and then there's another window. The next two workouts are due Saturday at at noon. And then Sunday, the last workout or the last two workouts are due.

So they're basically telling you two things. You have to do the workouts in a particular order, and you're probably not gonna be able to repeat them,

[00:05:45] Sam Rhee: Last year Athletes who did the four rep max front squat first. That was smart. I didn't do it that way. I followed what the order was and I felt like it hurt me to lift, try to lift heavy, tired after the first couple.

Yeah. I do think it's very important to look at the workouts. Figure out what timing you want. Yep. I think that will be critical. Yep.

[00:06:06] David Syvertsen: Definitely. Definitely. As a coach, I think if there's a max strength lift, it should be your first or second workout. Absolutely. Some people do work out a little bit better once they get like the juices.

I don't want to say everyone should start off with the strength. But I do think that if there is a strength event, you should be doing it Thursday night on that first night. So let's go over the equipment list real quick. So the first thing they say is all recommended open equipment. So everything that we use in the open.

As free game. So your pull-up bar, obviously you got your barbell, you got your box here. You got your box, your wall space jump rope. Yeah. I know when I did not see the jump rope on the list, I was like, yeah. I was like, oh wait. Oh equipment. So that's just whatever it needs to break that down the first.

30 feet of flat space suitable for movements covering distance. We talked about this

[00:06:53] Sam Rhee: before. Yep. So either hints, then walk

[00:06:55] David Syvertsen: or lunges. And I will say this there's a rumor and from a reliable source, that 22.1 was supposed to be shuttle runs instead of Bosch jumps in the Dave Castro version of the workout.

So could they put shuttle runs at this time? It's possible. So I think we need to be anticipating three things. Handstand walks, walking, lunges, and

[00:07:17] Sam Rhee: shoulder runs. I anticipate a lot of pulled

[00:07:19] David Syvertsen: hamstrings on that. I'm not training shuttle runs at all. I will. I'm just going to assume that's not the case, but just be ready if there's a wrinkle, just be ready for that.

And yeah, you have to anticipate walking lunges and, or handstand walks, and it's possible that you'll see both it's possible that you'll see them in the same workout. And 30 feet is something we have pretty easily set up in our gym. Not every gym, not every garage, especially is set up that way.

That is partially why they tell athletes that if you are a garage, CrossFitter, you should be finding an affiliate to do these workouts at. Is there anything you can really train for sure. Get on your hands with. Do some walking legends. One thing I would tell athletes to train for, I just did a walking lunge workout today is breakdown.

How many steps it takes you to get that distance? That helps me so much. Sometimes when these walking lawns workouts, these standard is whatever line you have to cross, your entire foot needs to cross. Before you're done, you can't touch the 30 foot target and then the garden that you have to get across it.

And I've, I've seen this happen so many times judging doing the workout myself is that when you do walking lunges and you kind of like, you're like, three feet away, you're like, all right, should I go for this and take a really big stride or should I just do two small ones? And I think sometimes it helps you instead of making that decision in the moment, practice the pattern of the walking lunge and know with your normal.

How many steps does it take? Yeah, but with

[00:08:40] Sam Rhee: weight because I can stride much farther without weight. Yeah. But if I have a 70 freaking pound dumbbell over my head, that's going to be a little bit later. Yeah.

[00:08:47] David Syvertsen: Well, we'll talk about that next. All right. In the open division, they said you need two dumbbells, 50 pounds for guys, 35 girls, but for masters, you only need one.

However, You need a 70 pound dumbbell for the guys and a 50 pound dumbbell for the girls. This is kind of like legends, legends that started doing this. What are your thoughts on that?

[00:09:04] Sam Rhee: Not good. I would honestly rather take two fifties than a single 70. Oh, I have so much

[00:09:11] David Syvertsen: to disagree. My

[00:09:12] Sam Rhee: left side is so weak.

If I have to hold anything overhead, that's like 50 is a challenge. Yeah. I don't know

[00:09:19] David Syvertsen: what I'm going to do with that one. I think you can do it. This is one of these things where I think Sam will surprise himself. You're definitely strong enough. You have good mobility. I just don't think you've done it that much.

How about the

[00:09:27] Sam Rhee: nine women that made remember for nine women made it and they're all going to have to use a 50, which is insanely heavy for them. It

[00:09:34] David Syvertsen: is heavy. And we had to start training that. I do think I've used dumbbell in movements like this, whether it's a front rack launch, overhead lunge, and like your first few session like, dude, this is way too hard, but if you practice a little bit you do.

Think about this. Say I'm like, if I say, if it's, if the movements dumbbell, snatch, and I said, do 30 dumbbell Santana row, you'd be able to do it. So if you can do 30 dumbbell snatch in a row with a 50, you can do 10 in a row, the 70, it just, it just takes a little bit more like skill and concentrates and you might need to change the movement pattern.

And in what you're firing at different times. I think that's part of it. I

[00:10:06] Sam Rhee: think practice is going to be very important. Yes.

[00:10:09] David Syvertsen: Practice with that, but not in a max effort feel. And we'll like those that are insecure about this right now. Not sure about it. I'll definitely help you out. Just train for a little bit progression high poles, all that good stuff.

Overhead carries. Yep. So yeah, we're probably looking at overhead lunges or dumbbell snatch, right? You're not thinking of. Devil's press, maybe it could be a devil suppress. I didn't think about that. That'd be pretty nasty. That'd be horrible. All I, what I really don't want to see is a dumbbell step up with that thing.

That would be

[00:10:34] Sam Rhee: nasty. That would be dangerous. I might not agree to be able to. That would be dangerous. Yeah. Like I physically might not be able

[00:10:39] David Syvertsen: to. Yeah. Let's let's cross that off. Eric Rosa Arnaud. Adrian Bosman. If you're listening, let's cross it off a 15 foot climbing. We

[00:10:48] Sam Rhee: had a road climbs last year. Yep.

There, it's a skill. I think most of the people at our gym are very good at road climbs. Like surprisingly good. Every time, every time you programmed them, there are a lot of people that love doing them. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not a huge fan personally, but I can get through them. Yeah. It's funny and you probably saw it at legends more than anything else, how much it taxes you to do them, especially legless.

Yeah. You did was it half legless

[00:11:12] David Syvertsen: or the, so basically there is a set of a set of 5 43. Rope climbs and the first row climb on every set had to be legless. Do

[00:11:23] Sam Rhee: you think they could program for the 35 to 39 legless and then over, over that age, not legless.

[00:11:28] David Syvertsen: Yeah, I do. I see that I could see 30. So cross, it generally keeps the programming the same from age 35 to 54, which don't love that.

[00:11:38] Sam Rhee: Why should I be doing the same that, you

[00:11:40] David Syvertsen: know, I agree. I agree. I think they should start changing but whatever. So the. It is possible that we would see Lego store upon. I don't think it would be a high volume because if they really want to test the legless rope climb, honestly, you really need to sneak to throw one or two.

And at a time

[00:11:55] Sam Rhee: now for the 35 to 39 athletes, are you going, would you recommend that they practice legless?

[00:12:01] David Syvertsen: Yeah. And if you're not sure about it, I would just pro what I have Kathleen do is just go halfway up, like don't, don't, it's scary being up there and be like, I'm about to fall off this thing or have a spotter.

But I would practice the legless rope climb for two reasons, prep your body a little bit, but it really does improve your pulling strength on the actual, on the rev regular road climb like my road climbs got a lot better after doing a, cycle of legless. And now my coach will program legless.

I just did one this week. It's three or four in a set and they've gotten a lot better. And now the regular road climate almost seems. I'm going from running to walking. It's you don't have to think that much about it. You could focus on the skill. I still suck at coming down the rope. I'm so bad at it.

I'm so jealous of people that are good at that. But last year, I think one thing about the rope, you also just need to put some thought into, if you're going to try and train for a little bit, a don't do too many, if you get on that thing twice a week, that's I think that's more than enough. But last year it was paired with GHGs and pistols.

And I don't think people anticipated how hard those rope climbs would be after the GHD. How was so bad? Yeah. Yeah. That, all that. The abs and the hip flexors, you don't realize how much you use those to pick up your knees. I literally couldn't

[00:13:13] Sam Rhee: bring your knees up because your abs were seizing so bad.

Yeah. I

[00:13:16] David Syvertsen: think I saw who was it? Catholic. Karen last year did a rope climb that took 46 seconds. That's a lot of gripping and but she did awesome. But yeah, so anticipate like rope climbs by themselves are not that bad, but you start throwing in. Like a, a movement like that, a non complimentary movement where like those hip flexors get really tough or another grippy movement.

And they'll, if you got to do dead and rope climbs, you've got to anticipate that a little bit, that your approach on them might change, but the GHD is not in the mass. Yes. There is no GHD in the match to this year. I'm upset by that. But that's so you won't see that workout. That will not be a

[00:13:46] Sam Rhee: repeat, did a lot of PhDs this year in preparation and it's good for my core.

It's good for. A lot of other movements, so I'm not mad, but I want to see them. If, if I saw a repeat of that last workout from last year, I would have done much better this

[00:14:00] David Syvertsen: year. Yep. And just, just put out that we don't have anyone from our gym in this group, but masters 55, plus your dumbbell is a 50 pound.

Why does it say 55? What does it say?

[00:14:11] Sam Rhee: 50, 35 20, I think depending on even

[00:14:14] David Syvertsen: an older age, I like 65. Okay. So yeah, your dumbbell will be a little letter. If you are in that 55 plus group. We got three things left. We have the C2 rower. Thank you. Thank you. I know that the rower will be back. We did we had this last year.

I didn't have a good year last year. Programming didn't go my way. It wasn't, I wasn't, I didn't perform well either. But there was a row, but it was only a 15 cow row, five different times. And it would just wasn't that didn't really display any rowing capacity. What do you think about the rower?

[00:14:42] Sam Rhee: I'm not horrible at the row. I think they always seemed to use it in previous workouts is a heart rate elevator. It, it favors the big guys for sure. Listen, I'll just struggle through it. I think the women I don't know. We have a couple of women who are really good at, in the row.

Yeah. But a couple that also, they just straight,

[00:14:59] David Syvertsen: I think we have what, we have a lot of people that are aerobic. They can sustain pace for a long time, but they don't have the power. Yeah. It's go

[00:15:05] Sam Rhee: fast on it. And this is one where I don't know. I mean, it really depends on how they program that RO if it's short, it's not so bad if it's a long one.

[00:15:12] David Syvertsen: Yeah. So yeah, the bigger athletes usually have a little bit of advantage of the, a bit longer or more power-based and I've always thought that you can program such good complimentary workouts with the rower. An example would be, 50 Cal row, 50 strict handstand pushups for the calories, because the people that really struggle with a.

Anatomy speaking could usually do well on the handstand pushup. Vice-versa if you are really good at wrong, you probably have a little bit disadvantaged on the, on the handstand pushup. Do you think we could ever see a single modality workout with a row and the games that one year they did a thousand meter row full time?

[00:15:44] Sam Rhee: No, maybe for the semi. I see that for semis.

[00:15:47] David Syvertsen: Okay. So you think this would be, I will say that the last thing I'll say about the rower, it can be hard to put in a competitive setting for the sake of. If you want to make it to the next stage, you have to video everything and everything needs to be like, perfect.

It's like really stressful. It's probably one of the most stressful parts about doing these workouts. And it can be hard for a clock. You have to have like other movements, the view that they want and your camera has to be set up perfectly that it can see the monitor. And it's hard to see the monitor unless the camera's right there.

But if the camera's right there, Anything else? That was part of the reason why I did think it would be something really simple, like a couplet, like handstand, pushup row or just a row, because the camera is very easily set up that you can see both movements. I

[00:16:29] Sam Rhee: just feel like if it was a single event row, the time difference would be so tight because remember in the row, I think they had something like that for one of the games.

Qualifying events last year. And it was literally tens of a second. It was like Chandler Smith just got eked out, like literally. And and the condition of your rower does make a little bit of a difference. You're right. And so I feel like it would not be very fair if they did something like that.

[00:16:52] David Syvertsen: Cool. All right. We got two things left. We have a gymnastics rings, first thought ring muscle ups. Yeah. Ring muscle ups. I agree. No, no. Yeah. Too hard to judge.

[00:17:03] Sam Rhee: Now everyone loves ring muscle ups they'll program.

[00:17:05] David Syvertsen: That it's a huge separator at this stage. You need to have a couple of workouts that really separate, the good from the great and you put in, ascending sending muscle-ups or high volume muscle-ups that can usually do it.

[00:17:15] Sam Rhee: Yeah, I, yeah. This used to be an open right movement. And now I think it's just going to be reserved

[00:17:21] David Syvertsen: exclusively for, or for the next stage, which is unfortunate. I hope that's not true because I have a lot of athletes here that. They might not make, or they don't really care, then that's not their goal to make the top 10%, but they're good at room muscle-ups and they should have their time.

I don't think they, I hope cross it does not do that where the rings are only reserved for the next. I just, I wouldn't agree with it. I

[00:17:39] Sam Rhee: mean, how many people at our gym would you say can

[00:17:42] David Syvertsen: do ring muscle ups on a Friday, and we're doing Nate next week. So that, but I bet, I would say like actually in a workout, like not get a rep, do them in a workout, right?

Like in a workout.

[00:17:53] Sam Rhee: Yeah, 10.

[00:17:54] David Syvertsen: Yeah. It's a huge separator. It is. It's huge. It's huge. But I just know like I'm thinking about my, my wife, Ashley, she was right on the bubble. She's gonna make again next year. She's gonna make the call for next year. I'm very confident in that. But she's really good at re muscled.

And she worked on um, with Liz and Adam for a long time and they're all like, I've gotten really good at them. And I would just wish that could have beads that can be displayed in the

[00:18:15] Sam Rhee: open. You know, I do. Uh, Other than the 10, they're probably like 20 or 25 that can do one or two. And you're right. If there was more of a impetus to do it, like more incentive, right. I would have probably worked on them more. Had I known for sure. They're in the open

[00:18:32] David Syvertsen: now. How, how much will you be working on them in the next month? I mean, only five

[00:18:36] Sam Rhee: weeks away. I did try them like a month ago. Okay. And they were easier than what I remember them to be good. Just from overall.

Accessory muscle strength and all that stuff. GHD is help a lot yesterday issues. To string them

[00:18:49] David Syvertsen: together in workout with other movements. Yeah. We'll see. It's tough. Okay. And the last thing is a squat rack. So we had this last year and they tested F you had 20 minutes, I think, to find a four at max front squat.

That was, that was fun. Actually. I don't, I'm not a huge lifter. Not very good. I think it was great, but it was, I had had a major PR yeah, it was fun. What was your number for that? 3 23? Holy cow. My previous one rep max was 3 35 and. I had not squatted over three 15 front squat in over a year. And I, and I did four at 3 23 and that's all environment,

[00:19:20] Sam Rhee: I don't think I saw anyone more excited than you throwing your weight belt back

[00:19:23] David Syvertsen: against the wall.

On that one. I was pumped. That was really exciting. What do you think

[00:19:27] Sam Rhee: about squat rack? Well, they're not going to do a four Rhett Mack front squat. Do you think they're not? It's going to be something else. It's

[00:19:32] David Syvertsen: gonna be something different. Assume squat.

[00:19:35] Sam Rhee: I think so. I just don't think it's going to be a back squat overhead.

I think overhead squat, I think, they had 1 65 overhead squats with burpee box jumps.

[00:19:45] David Syvertsen: They tested the front of the overhead squat last

[00:19:47] Sam Rhee: year. And the problem is, is why do you need a squat rack if you're going to do overhead squats, because you should be able to clean and jerk it or snatch it whatever to overhead.

[00:19:55] David Syvertsen: Yep. I've been out of the box, a prediction. All right. Tell me cross it. Totally. Oh, really? You have 20 minutes to find across a total. The cross, the total is the combination one or at max deadlift one or at max back squat, one I'm extra press. And what I like about it is, especially when they put a time domain on it, like 20 minutes sound long.

And I will say this 20 minutes sucks for the judges who have watch the videos. That's a lot of 20 minute videos. Yeah. But you can fast forward. And just like when they're about to lift and make sure if you're an athlete, you break down what weights are on. I think it would be a really cool thing.

I don't want to do it because I'd be afraid of getting hurt. But I, I do think it would be a cool test to say, Hey, or they say this, they can make this safe and say you have 20 minutes, but you can only do every lift three times.

[00:20:41] Sam Rhee: So they did program the CrossFit total for one of the games events.

It was

[00:20:44] David Syvertsen: outdoors and they can tie it to that a little bit. Yeah. But I remember even watching that the movement was pretty poor, especially on the deadlifts. Yeah. Like you don't, there would be a lot of people that

[00:20:53] Sam Rhee: would get hurt and that strict press was getting a little janky for some of them. For sure.

[00:20:57] David Syvertsen: But I was tough. I would say the last thing I just want to say about that is if there is a max lift, right? This is part of competing to me. Injury prevention, you gotta be fresh all weekend and there are some workouts that, that where you might, if there's a cross a total, you might have to leave something in the tank just to be safe.

[00:21:13] Sam Rhee: I think there will be a press movement. Maybe a squat movement. Would they add a deadlift movement into, into that? I would, I wonder, but I could totally see something like that with squat press total. That's a great idea. I think it was like lit a light bulb in my head and I was like, yeah, I could

[00:21:31] David Syvertsen: totally see.

That'd be cool. So yeah, so yeah, that, that's like the flow for the masters equipment list guys. That's the flow of what the weekend will be. You're definitely gonna see some high-level workouts, some separators and uh, You know, we wish luck to anyone that's doing this, whether you're from bias or outside of bison.

It's an intense three to four day period, but I think it's something that down the road you'll look back on it. It's going to create some cool memories.

[00:21:53] Sam Rhee: There are so many people that are also on the bubble with this one. And I feel if you really want to feel like you're doing classic CrossFit, this is all really very, very classic CrossFit and the open is more accessible, but if you really have any competitive aspirations or, more on the sports side of things, which a lot of.

Yeah, yeah, you just got to get through that open to get to here and play with with all this equipment and all these movements that you really love and want to do the high end stuff. And, and I know there's probably what, like 7, 8, 9, 10 people that are on the bubble. Yeah. Within 3%. Yeah.

I can't wait because I feel like a lot of them are gonna make it next year. I feel like this number of people. For how many, 14 this year. I bet you will. We'll maybe we'll get 20 next. Yeah,

[00:22:40] David Syvertsen: I would love to, I would love to increase that number over a year. And I would also say just to build off that if, if this is a goal of yours and you want to get there someday, I would come and try to watch as much as.

To just see what it's like, the kind of like the pressure support people also, that's a big part of it. A lot of these guys doing these workouts are going to be nervous and you supporting them will help. I've been in these situations before I go and watch something and I'm like, I want to do that.

And it confirmed it in my head that I was like, I want to be out there someday.

[00:23:05] Sam Rhee: These guys are really talented. They know how to move well, they're really motivated. And it's really funny. We have not, like I said, nine women, five guys. Yeah. I mean,

[00:23:12] David Syvertsen: different backgrounds, different body

[00:23:14] Sam Rhee: types, but they're all.

Extremely coachable. Yup. They go about it. They've they have made so much progress. None of these guys came out of the box, like super talented. Most of everyone that I know who have maybe they have one or two. Like major skills. Yep. But everything else, they earned it.

[00:23:31] David Syvertsen: Yep. I agree. All right. Well, thank you guys.

That's April 21st, 24th. And we'll probably do maybe a little bit of a recap once it's done. Maybe break down the workouts. Maybe we'll see. We'll have to check our schedules when they come out, we're both going to be involved in that. So we're probably not going to. You had that time to, to do it, but we'll definitely do our best to break things down, whether they're there right before or right after they come out or the week after.

Sorry. And good luck to all those that are competing. Thank you.


