Part 2 finishes up our breakdown of the 2022 CF AG QF workouts with special guests Dan Coda (@dannehnj) and Kelly Cavin (@kcavandfam) recap a fun-filled weekend with top 10% of age-group athletes from each division.

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[00:35:54] Sam Rhee: three. This was a real crunch as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of one rope climb, two shuttle runs two rope climbs, four shuttle runs three, and then so on and so forth.

It's a 15 foot rope climb, 50 foot shuttle run. And I said 10 minute cap. Yep.

[00:36:10] David Syvertsen: So, so basically a ladder of running and rope climbs and that, and that really, when you look at that, this one was the toughest one to gauge. Like I had no idea what a good score is like in my head. I'm like 10 seconds per rope, climb, seven to eight seconds per shoulder.

Once you come up with this like general number in your head, what a good score would be. And I thought, okay, No, it would 70 plus was like a good school, but I thought some people would get to 80. I don't think anyone did 80 would be aware in the 14 sheller runs almost finishing them so

[00:36:43] Sam Rhee: forth. So, wow. So seven rope climbs, 14

[00:36:46] David Syvertsen: finishing the seven row climb would be 70.

I said, I think the top score was 75. I see. So, you know, I was a little off on thinking. All right. The scores would be higher, so it's hard to factor in the fatigue factor for that kind of workout. It was, I thought it would be row climbs. It was 100% rope climbs. Like you could have walked on the road.

Literally. It just came down to what your biceps informs could handle. Cal. I

[00:37:14] Kelly Cavin: am probably among the few who is looking forward to that one.

[00:37:18] David Syvertsen: I like

[00:37:19] Kelly Cavin: those. And we had talked beforehand about the run and just not to, to blow it out and just that that's not where it was going to make the difference. And I'm glad we talked about it because that was recovery.

So I was, I was

[00:37:30] David Syvertsen: happy with, that's a true sign of fitness though. I want to pause you right there. W that's. If, if someone wants to know, we get asked all the time, how do I know if I'm making progress? It's not just about your scores. The ability to go hard and recover is a huge component of fitness to me.

So, yeah.

[00:37:46] Kelly Cavin: Yeah, no. If I was happy with where I ended up with that one and. I couldn't have done

[00:37:51] David Syvertsen: it again, but yeah, it was that, wasn't that one that you're like, I could probably do it again if I fuck up like no shot, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[00:38:00] Daniel Coda: The, I was actually the same way I was, I couldn't wait to do this.

When I came out, I was like broke times is like one, also one of my bread and butter movements. I had done this just in practice for the, when they released the individual that had the same kind of ladder, but with wall balls. So I was confident in the movements and everything, but this one was way worse, I would say because it was again, all rope climbs.

Right. My goal was to get into that round of seven. As I finished, I won the round of six and I could just start feeling my bicep. Just, just go. It's scary. And it was scary. I was up at the top and I'm like, I don't know if I move that I'm going to not going to fall straight down, but let's just go.

[00:38:36] David Syvertsen: It's a scary feeling to be at the top of a rope. And Sam said this yesterday. That when you had to go up there and take the one hand off the road to touch the target. You didn't know if the other one could hold yes. The workout. Yeah.

[00:38:51] Daniel Coda: Yeah. And then it was, it was cool because I had, I was looking at the clock and I realized I had just enough time to get through the round of 12 to get that one rope climb.

And I just started sprinting all out. And it's funny in my head, I'm like doing, you know, crazy, you know, 4.0 40 yard dashes. And I look at my video, I'm like, oh, I'm actually just going just barely faster. But but it was all I had. And yeah, the, the bicep pump after it was just so real, but, but I'm really, I was really happy with that.

[00:39:18] David Syvertsen: Good. Yeah,

[00:39:20] Sam Rhee: I'm awful at road climbs both physically and mentally, because mentally I've never practiced them. I hate what they do to my hands. I use my work as an excuse and I'm always like, I don't want to do this

[00:39:31] David Syvertsen: same as a plastic surgeon for anyone who doesn't know that

[00:39:34] Sam Rhee: hands. Yeah. So I don't like feeling the hand sanitizer when I'm watching, like, you know, scrubbing when I have a rip.

So I'm like, you know, so I'm a baby about it. I know I am. I listen. That's, it's what I do. So this one I taped up, like, I normally do like a burn victim and then I went and did it and. I have to credit the fact that, you know, I've probably done five road climbs all year, but I, you know, we do

[00:39:59] David Syvertsen: a lot

[00:39:59] Sam Rhee: of pulling strings.

Yeah. And we, yeah. So the strength is, is there from just what we program. And the other thing is, is I have done rope climbs over the past five, six years. And I know, listen is my technique grade. Am I really J hooking properly? My lifting my leg up really high to depress. I am not doing it really well, but I'm good enough that I got through like five that the last five rope climbs, right.

For me the round of five, whatever that is. And. It really became my lat arm pole. And it was so inefficient. And you see someone like Kevin, your check, right? And then we're talking about it. He does like two and a half so long and so efficient. And even Raina is also very efficient. She's like, as Kevin said, like five foot tall, so it takes her more poles.

But when you're so efficient at it, it it's a skill that you become really good at high knees, you know, really locking that rope. And I just don't have that. So I was able to get, what, what is five row climbs? Like 15, something like that? Like total.

[00:41:04] David Syvertsen: Oh yeah. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. So yeah, something

[00:41:07] 2022_0424_0958: like

[00:41:08] Sam Rhee: that. Yep.

Yeah. So listen, for me, 15 rope climbs is like more than I've ever done all year. And so I'll take it, but you're right. When I went on those last two, you saw me. I was scared.

[00:41:19] David Syvertsen: I stood under you. You know what you said? You said, it's your fault.

[00:41:24] Sam Rhee: And I was thinking in my head, if I fall, I will die. You will die.

We'll both die because you're not going to catch me on 15 feet. I would catch you. I appreciate it. But I said, I really appreciate the sentiment and listen to the fact that, you know, you're telling me this, I'm going to try. And so. You know, matched.

[00:41:44] David Syvertsen: I do that with people when we do like heavy back squats in the gym, you know, like some people are just afraid to do like a true match because they don't want to fail and get like, what do I do if it's like, I will tell people behind I'll stand behind them.

And sometimes like, it looks weird. I'm like whispering in there. I'm like, I got you. Don't worry. But it does help them because they know worst case scenario isn't that bad they can't got. And like, I got it. Like I'll either pull it off your back if it's light enough or I'll help you squat it, like I can.

And it does. I can't tell you how many people that go into a barbell. And they say like, I don't know if I can do this, but the fact that someone's behind them just in case they get it.

[00:42:19] Sam Rhee: I mean, listen, in a non-com setting, I would have been, I would have taken 10 road climbs and be done with it. Yeah. But in that setting, I was like, I just got to keep going.

Yeah. And you did well on that one. And for me, I mean, you know, shrinking wise, not so great, but for me personally, yeah, I was,

[00:42:33] David Syvertsen: I was happy with that. Yeah. Yeah. So I feel the same way and that worked out like it just everyone, we got to all got to a point like at the set of five or like, I, I was into the sevens towards the end of everyone's workout.

We were afraid to go do another rope climb. That's basically what it comes down to. And there's like little efficiency things in a rope line that do add up at the end. Like I've never been very good at coming down off the rope. But like you said, if you get, if you're really good at like foot latching and really reaching up, I always tell people when we do rope climb, workouts, reach as high as you can because it'll help.

Like it might get you one or two less poles at the end. And the number one thing you want to do when you do a rope climb, if you want to keep this simple is get off the rope. Like you don't want to be up there for a long time. It's just so much engagement. So if you can just like do one less pull or retire, it adds up at the end.

I also think one more thing about the rope climb. If you guys want to work on this over the next year, jump as high as you can. Like if you can start 3, 4, 5, 6 inches higher every time. Like that's what I could do early in the workout. When I get tired, I can jump. So the, you know, that just lose.

But like, I remember my first few road climbs, I got up there and two poles because I jumped as high as I could. And it just gives you like a little bit of a headstart. There are a lot

[00:43:37] Sam Rhee: of people that are in our gym that are really good at rope climbs and arms. You know, this is one where you work on it some, and you can make a lot of

[00:43:44] David Syvertsen: gains, but also, like you said, it's not something that a lot of people want to work on that much.

It does. It hurts the rope burn. I think there's some value in what you said initially, just the pulling strength that we do potatoes, a bar which is it's actually think toes were had more to do with rope climbs and pull-ups, but we'll get into that another time, maybe the core, right? The core, the knee up lean back.

Yeah. But just the, the grip strength that we do with kettlebells and dumbbell snatches, and just holding onto things, it helps the rope line.

[00:44:09] Sam Rhee: This is why these two are so good at road clients because it got that core, like the toast of our good for them at grip. Yeah. So you can tell the people who are good at road climbs it, that skill translated over from

[00:44:20] David Syvertsen: other movie.

Absolutely. 100%. So event four was the strength event. Sam, give it to us. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:44:25] Sam Rhee: Total CrossFit, total, total load one back squat, one press, a strict shoulder press and one deadlift time cap, 30 minutes. And what they had you do was three attempts per movement. You could not go back. So you just did 3, 3, 3, and a, and that was it.


[00:44:44] David Syvertsen: That was it. And I in a five workout competition, I would say anything more than three workouts in any competition. Strength has to be tested in one way or another. It has to be. And then I, I'm not a huge fan of the max lift. Partially because I'm not good at it, but I also just don't think it test that much, but I love what they did here, because in this kind of, when you have to do three lifts, there's usually one you feel good about when you don't, when you don't really care about.

Right. Someone like Sam dancers is good at all of them, but I bet even he is like, dude, I love this. This is whatever. It really does. Like sometimes like last year we just said a four at max front squat. What if you're terrible at deadlifting but you are an dominate, you dominate the squatters. Does that mean you're strong?

Right? Like, I love the idea of attacking three different movement patterns and, or doing strength in the middle of a workout with like a sending weights like that. That's how I think you should do

[00:45:39] Sam Rhee: it. Yeah. But the difference here is that it's a total weight count from just poundage. Right. So if you're an insane dead lifter,

[00:45:45] David Syvertsen: you get a huge, you get a huge bond.

Yeah. Yeah. Like if you're really good at strike pressing, you only get like an extra 20 pounds on people. Right? Like I know a guy that is strict. I think he's short pressed at 2 35, which is mind numbing to me, but it's, it's not, and that is a huge gap. I couldn't even move 2 35 off my shoulder, let alone start a press.

It were a dead lift. So that's only what I think that's only about 45 pounds heavier than I lifted, but a really strong squatter probably out squatted me by 150 pounds, you know, so I can see where it's not proposing. But I still prefer this over like a max squat or a max deadlift or a max press understood.

Kel, what are your thoughts?

[00:46:22] Kelly Cavin: This one was not a great one for me and I knew it wasn't going to be, it's not a, I'm not super strong on the barbell. So it was more personal than general for me. And we had David programmed for this, for us in the mock-up. And I actually did better on every lift in the mock quarterfinals than I did the other night.

So this wasn't one of my favorite. And why do you think that was? You know, I don't know. I, I don't usually work out at night, I can say, but I did the mock when at night, the time before. So I don't really know I've improved on all of those lifts over the course of the year, even from what I ended with this weekend.

So I was happy with that, but I knew I could, could do better.

[00:47:07] Sam Rhee: When you did your opening weights, how did you figure. Where your opening weight was going to be. Was it based on your PR or, or something safe or what did you want to

[00:47:18] Kelly Cavin: do with that? I went just under my PR for all three. And then I, and I got them and then I went, I went for the PR and I did not either time, so, or any of the three.

So I, I had the, the safe number that I, that I was pretty sure I could hit. And we were able to warm up to that number two. So I was pretty confident in that, but I did not hit those PRS, which I was less than pleased with just personally speaking. I wasn't expecting anything great in this

[00:47:49] David Syvertsen: one.

[00:47:51] Daniel Coda: Yeah, this is also for me, not, not, not the greatest, but strength is something I've been working on over the years.

I was never never super strong, you know, growing up and I never worked on that. A lot of that. So I would say. In the last, like three or four years, I've been really trying to get stronger. I was, I was pleased with everything we did this first. I don't know if we might talk about that after, but so I was like, I was the freshest to do it.

I did have numbers in mind because I've been working on all these lifts. And I worked out my back squat to just about where I wanted to start. So I was able to get the back spot done pretty quickly. I think like in five minutes I was pretty much done with it, but I did the same thing. I did a a safety lift.

That was pretty good. I went for it for my second one and I missed. Both my my back squat and my press where I didn't get it. They were both trying to go for PRS. And then I lowered it and I was able to hit those.

[00:48:41] David Syvertsen: But so that's kind of pressure on that third lift. Yes. A lot of pressure,

[00:48:45] Daniel Coda: all of a sudden it's like, oh, if I don't hit this, I'm just set up my safety, which you know, for my deadlift was actually super low.

And then I made a huge jump. So it was, it was a bit of a risk on that, but I'm happy with overall with

[00:48:56] David Syvertsen: how it went all of a sudden, like, wait, you were pretty happy about your deadlift. Oh yeah. PR and my deadlift, you were like pumped

[00:49:03] Daniel Coda: yeah. Four 40 and laid out a roar.

[00:49:06] David Syvertsen: Yeah. Nice. Yeah. Was part of our bar bell.

Yeah. So Sam guy, Sam, unfortunately not, unfortunately he did do this on Saturday after a couple of workouts. So different experience for you? Yes. And you were actually by yourself too. Yeah, I are your

[00:49:21] Sam Rhee: thoughts care that much about that? Yeah. Yeah, it was totally fine. And honestly, it's a little bit better that you guys were doing a different event at the same time.

And so I wasn't like 500 people yelling or something. So I mean, the people that were still there, they were watching me and Sean O'Hara was my judge and I really appreciated that. That was helpful. You know, we don't test one rep. Max is very often and I don't like testing very often then I think it's been like probably almost two years or so since I've tested.

So I knew I could probably hit those numbers. I just didn't know how. Fresh. I was going to feel about it. So, for my back squat, I hit I warmed up just like you guys did. I also, I missed you guys cause I didn't get in Thursday night fast enough to really watch you guys, which kind of bumped me up.

But I did hit just below. So I warmed up to about 85 to 90% of my one rep. And then when I started, I started right at my one rep, which I made for the back squat. I got greedy and jumped like 20 pounds or something. Yeah. And, and I, and I, I got stuck and I watched my lift and I was like, I

[00:50:25] David Syvertsen: couldn't, I don't know what happened.

I thought the same thing. And then I just saw you and I dumped it. Oh man.

[00:50:32] Sam Rhee: And then I got less greedy and went down still above my PR, but you know, a little bit less. And I made that. That's really cool. Yeah. So, yeah, that greed

[00:50:39] David Syvertsen: will get you, like, it felt good. So I was like, oh, let me just go. This is the time to go for it though.

No, like I would approach you differently than I would on a 6:00 AM class in the middle of September, you know, it's just like, why w why wouldn't you try it right now? So let's talk about the timing real quick of, so this was event four. Yeah. And it is like any, if you're in a good state physically, you should always do the strength first.

And just because especially this kind of weekend, the volume catches up to you. Do you have to know, like, my initial plan was to do event four on Saturday because I've had a hip issue growing issue that has been around since February. And I, I was afraid that if I heard it doing my squat, it would affect everything else for the weekend.

And I'm not very strong. So it was like, all right, if I get 10 less pounds on lifts, like whatever, looking back on it. So, and then again, I'm a coach, but I'll have a coach now. And I'm, I've tried so hard to like, if he tells me to do something, I will do it. And he called me from Puerto Rico and he's like, do the strength tonight.

And I was trying to talk him out of it a little bit. And I was just like, all right, well, what if I get hurt? And he goes, if you get hurt, you're going to get hurt on Saturday too. So you're out. I was like, all right. So, and he goes, and like, you he's, you are on that line of like, you might bottom out if you, if your strength is to, like, I think it was two 11, which is good for me.

But if that was eight 11, which is possible, I've had to happen before in competition. You're EFT. You're, you're out. You just can't make up, you know? So thoughts on, do you, Sam, do you wish you did strength first or do you think you're unaffected by it?

[00:52:18] Sam Rhee: I mean, I like working out in the mornings because that's where I am.

Like, it, it would've, it would have, I don't, I don't know when we did the Thursday night lights for the open, I knew it took a little off of me for you to do that on the other hand, the adrenaline, and like having everyone there might've helped too. Yup. So it's a little bit of a wash. I, I probably next year, if I know enough can, I'm gonna clear my schedule even more and see if I can get there a little

[00:52:45] David Syvertsen: bit earlier on Thursday and do that.

I think if cross, it really does want to see if someone's strong after doing events, because I, I bet almost everyone that's really competing for a top a hundred spots at 50 to 30, whatever. Right. They probably did the trend first. So if cross would ever want to make this, like, let's see what you can do after two workouts is what they can do is here are the first two workouts guys you have until Friday 3:00 PM to do them.

And then once you submit those scores, we'll send out the next two weeks. So that would be the way to police that if they wanted to and you can't game it as much with these deadlines. But you can game it. I mean, we gained, we did game it, we did event for before everything. Most,

[00:53:24] Sam Rhee: most athletes did it. And I would say most of the elite athletes, probably.

[00:53:26] David Syvertsen: So why, like, it's like, Kevin, your check says this, like, why not just make it event one, if you know, everyone's going to do it, like, why not do it?

[00:53:34] Sam Rhee: I don't know. Cause like you said, there's a little bit of risk reward in there. Yeah.

[00:53:37] David Syvertsen: There are probably a lot of masters, especially masters. Right. I hate to bash us, but like there's probably a lot of like dude F that I want to do the three workouts first and then do it.

And I don't care about my

[00:53:45] Sam Rhee: school. And I think athletes like feeling like they're gaming the system and getting a little advantage, like yeah. Like let them feel that like

[00:53:53] David Syvertsen: that's okay. Yeah. Whatever. Cool. Yeah, we happy with your numbers then. I mean, so I, I, I'm not embarrassed by it. I peered my squat and deadlift, but they're still low everyone.

This happens to me every time I go to camp, like, wait, what? That's all you squat. So I fill up my squat at 4 0 7. It was four or five previously PR my deadlift at 5 0 7 and it was 5 0 5 previously. And I haven't hit either of those weights in years.

[00:54:17] Sam Rhee: So how did you approach your lifts

[00:54:19] David Syvertsen: then? Like you're so my coach told me, and this was a good suggestion.

I gave it to everyone else too. Was like in your warmup deadlift first strict press second, and then warm up your back squat because that's where the workout starts and work up to 95 plus percent, like get a hard squat in. And Liz was next to me. She helped me out a lot with this. She watched my 90% squat.

And she was like, that was fast. Like, it didn't look hard at all. I'm like, all right, I'm starting at 98 percentile. So how many warmup reps

[00:54:45] Sam Rhee: of each did you have before?

[00:54:46] David Syvertsen: You probably did want an 85, 1 at 91 at 95. Okay. And there is one thing like when you do one rep, as opposed to four last year, like four reps, so different, very different.

But when you do one, like you just got a daughter herself and just kind of go forward. I did fail. I went there, I went for 40, I got greedy too. I had 4 0 7 and I failed 4 27 and I barely got four, a seven up. And I was like, fuck it. I'm I'm going for it. Ashley, why did you make a big jump? But same thing it's funny on squatting is weird in that the bar was moving when I build, like I was on the way up that you get scared.

You do, you know, I'm not afraid to admit that. Yeah. But it's, I love the strength of vent for me because I can make up for my lack of squat strength

[00:55:25] Sam Rhee: now. Press and deadlift, or did you fail on,

[00:55:28] David Syvertsen: so my second press, I got 180 7, I think. And I fell back as I got it. So the standard is you're not allowed to move your feet.

So I got it. I did video. I did look at the video. It would have been a rep, but I didn't know like that T and Maria, God bless our judges, by the way, we've got to give them a shot at the they were both like, it was close. I was getting nervous because I hit like 180 2. Then I went 180 7, then 1 92, and 180 7 was questionable.

So at the time, I didn't know. So I went to 1 92 and I didn't move my feet, but I barely got it. So, but again, there's only a 10 pound difference. So you have to not stress too much about the strict press. I do want to give a shout out to Ashwin Julia and Liz with my deadlifts. Did you can't fit all the 40 fives in the bar?

So we use metal 45. They were stripping weights like left and right. I think Kayla helped out as well. And I wouldn't have been able to like, make those way changes without them. It was just too much, you know? So I just want to give the shout out to them for helping me out on that. And then you hit all three deadlifts.

I had all three deadlifts. Yeah. Yup. Last one was a little ugly, but yeah, it had to do it in sport. I think

[00:56:33] Sam Rhee: that's strict press is so hard because you can't lift your heels. You can't move. Like I watched my last one and it's it's like those heels there. I know it's tough.

[00:56:43] David Syvertsen: It's a little true. It is tricky.

It's amazing. How, how, what you, you don't even know what your body does sometimes you don't. Yeah. All right. So last one event five. Yeah,

[00:56:52] Sam Rhee: we just did this one, this or a bunch of us did it this morning. You did it yesterday, which I saw you got dialed in smiling. We're not the fact that your family was there, like right there with you.

That's really what CrossFits about right. When you're like, they're all right there. You're like dialed in. Like, it was amazing. It's three rounds for time, 50 calorie row 15 handstand pushups, 50 double unders time cap. 20 minutes.

[00:57:16] David Syvertsen: Yeah. So this workout, when I saw it, I had to read it twice because I thought I was missing something.

Sorry. I thought it was missing something. It was too easy for you. No, no, no, no, not for me. No, I I'm fo I was elated by this workout, but we didn't test up on theirs in the open that much. Right. There were very low volume was 108 reps. I think it was. And that workout and. So to see a workout that has a 20 minute cap with only three movements.

And you're only doing 50 doubles at a time. In my opinion, it doesn't test double in their capacity that much.

[00:57:49] Sam Rhee: Yeah. When was the other double under workout where we did like

[00:57:52] David Syvertsen: a bazillion of them, which one in the open or online qualify online qualifier. Well you did a thruster double on there one, two years ago last year.

Oh, we did 300 last year. It was 75 cleans at 1 35 95, 300 Tane amount of double. Exactly. So when I say like, last year's programming was made to destroy me, that was one of them. And so I looked at it and I was like, all right, maybe round twos, a hundred, maybe around three is one 50. I'm like, no, it's, it's 50.

And even the handstand pushups. And I'll tell you why, I think like this, but 15 for high-level is not a lot. They're not easy, but it's not a lot. It's not like you get there. And you're S you're there for four or five minutes. You you're thinking deficit or something that's in or strips. That's what you thought.

And so when I saw that, I'm like, all right, so basically. 80% of the time in this workout for everyone is spent on the rower. So I just did some math on like how long the rotate, whether you're your fastest slow, about 80% of your workouts on the rower. And I love it because I like growing. And so I just looked at this, this was the endurance workout of the peak of the weekend, even though it's, you know, insurance can't be called 10, 12, 13, 14 minutes.

But in our sport, that's what it is because it's a single modality movement. Like you're just there for a long time. So Cal thoughts you did this yesterday. I did not, I was

[00:59:06] Kelly Cavin: not looking forward to this rowing. Rowing is not my favorite thing to do, especially for that long. I think pace was the most important thing.

This is new to me is paying attention to that. I've never, I've always just gone. So I was very focused on my strokes per second or per minute, and I just tried to stay in the, in the same ballpark every round. It's all the calories having my family there was, it helped. I heard them. Christine came over and whispered some words of encouragement in my

[00:59:38] David Syvertsen: ear and there were some

[00:59:40] Kelly Cavin: And then, you know, I could hear Freddy. He knew what, that I was worried about my pace. So I could tell by what he was saying when I was there and not, cause sometimes I just didn't want to look at the screen and see how far I still have to go. So that was key to me. I felt like the handstand pushups, which have never been like a strong suit of mine, but there weren't a lot of them.

So it was, it was. Moving through them. And yeah, they were like more of just like, an inconvenience

[01:00:03] David Syvertsen: on broke on the jump rope. I did

[01:00:05] Kelly Cavin: the last one I did. The last one

[01:00:07] David Syvertsen: was like, I can not

[01:00:07] Kelly Cavin: say this up. Everyone is watching. I cannot trip. I can't stop. So

[01:00:12] David Syvertsen: I got, and I will say so, just so when I, when I program rowing, I always give women 80% of the cows have guys.

I do think it should be that way. I mean, whatever girls are competing against girls and this guy, so it doesn't matter, but you'll see the time, the top times for guys and girls will be my guess is going to be close to one 30. And so it is a slightly different workout for women than men. And it's just based on body weight.

It's not men versus women. It's just body weight. Like rowing is easier when you weight more, you know? So this

[01:00:43] Kelly Cavin: was more of like a dark place, right. I just have to like dial in and go because like use your legs. I can't stand into my leg.

[01:00:53] David Syvertsen: You will stick your hands out the hand and be like,

[01:00:56] Kelly Cavin: and then I found myself telling all of you that today

[01:01:01] David Syvertsen: it is like, it's one thing you want to tell people that, you know, you're here a jump rope, but you, I mean, my legs are ruined right now.

Right. And you guys probably feel the same way.

[01:01:10] Daniel Coda: Yeah. So I, I went into this well, let's do this. I woke up today. I thought a Mack truck had hit me.

[01:01:15] David Syvertsen: And did you say the same words of, I don't know if I can do this workout today? Yes.

[01:01:19] Daniel Coda: Yes. And I was, I was telling my wife, Michelle was like, man, this is it's going to be tough.

Like just to get, get myself through this workout. But I also put a lot of pressure on myself because rowing is something I'm really good at. And. I knew it was just a matter of how, how bad you want it, because it's like, it's a pink cave. It's keeping the you know, keeping the cows above a certain number the whole way through.

And I will say this about the whole weekend, the environment in this gym is just so unbelievable. We're going to, we're going to end

[01:01:46] David Syvertsen: with that. Yeah.

[01:01:47] Daniel Coda: I got that. We'll get there because I have to. But you know, everybody was in my ear helping me out so much. I, I, I wanted sub 12 and I got 1140. Awesome. And, you know, yeah.

And just across the room, you just go to me, you can't do this till next year. And I just locked that in and I was like, everything you got in this one, you know, last few minutes,

[01:02:10] 2022_0424_0958: just

[01:02:10] David Syvertsen: go. I would love machine work. And I love programming machine work to people because I would say 90% of it just comes down to desire.

And like, I really, when I pay attention so much to people, when they're on machines, Especially, if they're in a mindset of like, Hey, I really want to go next level. And like, that's where you're gonna prove it. Like you fail muscle-ups you fail barbell stuff. You get to wait, you can't do anymore. Like there's certain movements you shouldn't do because it's not safe.

That's where you're gonna prove it to me. Like as a coach, that's where you prove it to me is on the machines. Sam, you did awesome on that workout then

[01:02:46] Sam Rhee: I, and I S you're right. We were talking about it. You have to find that pace where it's painting you. You're not red lining. Cause if you red line, you're not going to do well, but you can't dog.

It like you got to find and you got to just stay in that pain part for like the whole way. The beginning is not so bad. And then you start getting there and then like that last row, I saw it on your face. I saw it on Kathleen and Debs. And and your face lasts? Yes, the day before I was like, holy cow.

And then when I got there, I was like, it did help that people were yelling at me. They were like, don't drop over under a thousand. And I'm like, and the use your legs. And I'm like, oh, okay. I'll use my leg. And you know, the I got better at my double unders this year. So much better that when that went very smoothly, it was the handstand pushups.

Again, it's technique. I don't love doing them. I hate like falling on my head constantly. So if I needed to improve my time, it would have been on my efficiency with my KIPP and, and banging out bigger sets. But for what I did, I was, I was really happy. It was just you're right this morning. I did not feel good.

And I did not want to come in and do this. And I came in the latest that I ever have before it worked out, literally, like I usually come at least an hour, maybe almost like 90 minutes. And I came in like 30 to 40 minutes before. And I, but like you said, you know, you hear the 3, 2, 1 go and we're sort of conditioned at this point, you know, just so many thousands of 3, 2, 1 go, just clear your head.

You just, just focus. And, and especially like you said, this is not a, an environment that you, you encounter very often, maybe a couple of times a year, if that, like, if you're in a comp or, or if you're, you know, doing something like that. And so you just have. You just have to sort of give it your all. And, you know, we talked about this about, about engaging in sport and we do this as you know, we talk about rec competitive rec competitive all the time.

And but just to feel that and just have that in your, as part of your life as, as a sport, it's just,

[01:04:50] David Syvertsen: it's awesome. Yeah, it really is. There's nothing like the adrenaline that comes from it. And what I like about it is it's once a year, this, this once a year, and then there's other things that you can get into, like Dan and I are going to talk in a couple of weeks about legends and masters collective.

Like there's things. There are things opportunities throughout the year. To pursue if you want. But I like that this is just once a year and you don't have to like, change your entire life around and make your family change things like, yeah, this is an intense weekend, you know? Kelly said she's taking off from being a mom today.

but you know, but it's one weekend. And I just think that, like, that's what I was trying to tell Dan, because I knew, like I knew where Dan was, like, people looked at me like, you look tired. I'm like F you like, but like today, like we are retired and, you know, I wanted Dan to empty the tank today and like really go for it and said, you know, you don't get to do this for another year.

And this is like a really unique thing. Let's, let's start touching on a little bit now of like just the environment that we have here. And again, we have a lot of people that listen to that don't go to bison. So we can kind of just kind of tell people like how much it does help. And I want to go into something deeper beyond, but like how much did the environment help you guys.


[01:06:02] Kelly Cavin: mean the, the caliber of athlete. I don't, I still don't consider myself to fall amongst them. And when I look at my scores and I look and I compare myself, I just, the women that I work out with in particular are just incredible. And at all ages and they're moms and they work and they're so supportive and they push me every day, whether it's the nine 30 class or staying for next level or doing something like this, it, this was so much fun.

It was so much fun. Yeah. And thank you for orchestrating it. Cause you're competing and you're working on spreadsheets and texting all of us and trying to keep us all straight. And it's just, this was so much fun. That's all I can say about

[01:06:44] David Syvertsen: it. Yeah. I'm glad you.

[01:06:46] Daniel Coda: Yeah, the I mean, you can't really even explain an environment of people who are coming together to support you, whether they're there to judge, whether they're the other athletes that you're all, you're all going together and you're all pushing each other and you all want to beat each other,

[01:06:59] 2022_0424_0958: but

[01:06:59] David Syvertsen: you're all wanting each other to do amazing.

Yeah. It's so unique. It's so it's so

[01:07:03] Daniel Coda: weird. Yeah. And then just people. Yeah. Yeah. I know people just taking time out of their day just to come and cheer you on. And I've not been in a place that, that has so many people who are so invested in everybody just trying to reach their own goals, you know, and it's it, I would never reach the levels

[01:07:20] David Syvertsen: I did.

Yup. That's a

[01:07:21] Kelly Cavin: wise. I think the fact that we're all such different athletes is what makes it work is because we were all lined up apple samples with all the same strengths. It would be competitive. But when you look at every one of these workouts, everyone did. Had different strengths and weaknesses. And so everybody kind of pushes each other and you strive to be better at certain things, but you're not totally

[01:07:42] David Syvertsen: committed.

Right. And like, and, and what I also think it makes it somewhat unique is that you guys, you train with each other throughout the year. And not everyone in that group of people are like best friends, like hanging out with each other on the weekends. But you do grow to respect this side of their life a little bit to the point where there really shouldn't be any ill feelings of like, want you to do it really is.

Like we say this all the time in this podcast. We're so fortunate that we have each other, even the ones you don't really like, because you get pushed by them. And without them, I would say this to anyone's face. You're not as good as you are without them straight up. Yeah.

[01:08:20] Sam Rhee: I mean, I, I feel like watching everyone this, these past couple of days, I always try to take the best parts of everybody.

Cause you're right. Everyone's so different. Like, I'll take. You know the grid of a Natalia or Kara or, or sometimes I'll be like, okay, in this situation, I'll have to channel a little bit of Owen and go a little bit darker or, or, you know, I try to, you know, do some of the graceful movements that Elena does or something like that.

Like, I'll always try to see what everyone else is doing and I, I can be them, but sometimes I can figure out like the things that I want to take from them. And the other thing is, is that everyone is always super locked in. And you know, again, it's not about the physical part of it so much. Like, you know what your heart number is like if you're a competitive athlete and you're trying to get a number, yes, you have to do that.

But for me, it's just, you know, w where was that effort level? Where, where did they push? How hard did they try? And, you know, I have kids, I want my. To do sports because that's part of life is competing and trying your hardest and working together and doing all those things. And why should we as adults just give that part of our lives.

We should feel that as well. We should also understand what it is that our kids going through. So, you know, I have a better. Understanding about what my kids sports are like, just because I'm engaging in sport. And if I'm pushing myself, it's not unreasonable to watch my kids pushing themselves as well.

Yeah. I, and it's a very good environment in which to do it because you know, CrossFit is not a sport where you have to beat somebody, you have to just do the best you can. And you always say that like, if you, if you finish the day and you felt like you gave it everything

[01:10:05] David Syvertsen: you got. Yeah, sure. You're proud of yourself.

That's a win. Yeah, absolutely. And that's why when sounded moral Victor either like that's legit a win. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And

[01:10:14] Sam Rhee: all of the upcoming comps that a lot of the athletes in our gym are going to be going to like nine a Wade and Shrewsbury and all these, I can't wait to watch them. Yeah.

[01:10:23] David Syvertsen: Same here, because you know,

[01:10:25] Sam Rhee: it's the same sort of situation where you have a ton of people.

They're all going in for you. They're all cheering for you. You're pushing yourself as hard as you can. Yep. That's

[01:10:33] David Syvertsen: really what, it's all. I mean, that's what community is, right. You know, it's an over, it's a buzzword and cross it. But I remember when I asked, and this is a tough ask for me every year to do this, but I just know how intense this weekend is and how demanding it is for judging.

And I want the athletes just worry about the workouts, right? I don't want us to have to judge after then skip your warm up, then judge this person. Right. So I remember when I posted on our private Facebook group, Hey guys, if anyone wants to spend $10 and spend an hour of your time taking this judge's course, we could really use judges.

I was hoping to get 10 to 12 people. We got 23 and I was like, holy cow. And like every year this happens every year. I'm just like, this place is more special than I even, I thought it was right. And that like, they, I, I told the judges, I don't know, I'll send them a text later, too. Like this weekend would not be what it was without them.

Like, and like Dan said, people show up in street clothes, people taking off from work. Peter. Allen's like judging me as he's got his laptop in the middle of a meeting. Like that's a special person. It really is. It's a very selfless person. And I think that to show up on a job at a gym on a Saturday or Sunday on your free time in your street, clothes, away from your family, away from whatever you want to do to cheer someone RO is incredibly selfless.

And what I hope it does to us for, but also everyone that competed this weekend is it's your turn next time. That, and that's what makes this place goes as that is what makes this place goes around is we it's like a, a pay it forward type approach that like, I can't wait for May 7th of May 21st. You know, what I

[01:12:15] Sam Rhee: loved is that picture of you redoing that wad and Ash, like there's no one else around.

It was basically just you

[01:12:22] David Syvertsen: and him. I got nervous. I got nervous that I said the judges a text. I was like, guy. I have to do the workout again. And then I get a text back for five minutes. I was like, fuck. And you know, Ashwin and then Maria Allen, they're like all around and you know, even like Julia, she watched my camera, like, that's one of the most stressful things about nervous.

One of the most stressful things about this weekend is the videoing. And there's a lot of things that can go wrong. Like the memory on your phone, you know, there's an hour and a half of workouts on this phone. And you need someone to watch the video because if it stops recording, like you got to stop.

There's no point in going on, you have to start over and do the whole thing. And like little things like that, where people donating time, like you do, you you're humbled by it. Right? Like I think at one of the truest sides of humility is you're okay with other people trying to have. You know how sometimes like, no, no, don't help me.

Don't help me. I'm like, people want to help and you have to let them do that. And we have so many people in the shin, whether it's cheering, whether it's helping you set up how many people were helping us measure our tape. And it's just, it's rare. And I think if you are listening to this and you go to a gym, like that's a huge impact you can make, like, you don't need to be a top 10% athlete to have any sort of impact.

Like, you know, it's almost like sometimes you get too much credit for doing it. It's like, yeah, the chill a little bit. And it's very uncomfortable, but if you want to make an impact at your gym, like doing something like that, like I say, all the time, when we run comps, the bison bowl, the judges are more important than the athletes.

I have to

[01:13:49] Sam Rhee: say. I also appreciate our gym in general for tolerating us, because we were

[01:13:53] David Syvertsen: kind of screwing up some classes, three

[01:13:55] Sam Rhee: classes, and 100% they were very accommodating. And like, I could tell it wasn't good for them, for sure. Absolutely. But you know, like, especially a certain night yeah. Like people doing the list and stuff and it was like, yeah.

And these people are trying to walk on the side of my wall wall. Right. Yeah. And that goes to show for two things. One is, is that you try to get. Everyone on the same schedule. It wasn't like, oh, we're so special. So we're canceling all of these classes and we're not doing anything. And so there was a little bit of overlap there for sure.

But I

[01:14:28] David Syvertsen: also have just to coach has helped me out, you know, Liz, Adam, my Kayla, Terry, they all helped me out this week. And

[01:14:34] Sam Rhee: I know like Terry was trying to like, you know, give instruction about the wad and, and the mood music still going on, people still doing events. And so the fact that people were, were that tolerant I really, really, really

[01:14:46] David Syvertsen: appreciate it.

Yeah. So this was all just comes back to the point that, you know, we can't do this without other people. And we know that too. Like we, like, we work out hard, we train hard, we get to have our four days. Right. But we, we don't get to do this without them. And I think we should all know that and we do, but I want the other people to know that we know that.

So, you know, like we really were overly thankful and you know, w we'll pay it forward. It'll come back to them. Not that it needs to, that's not why we do things. But it'll come back because that's what this place is, you know, like everyone gets picked up at some point, but also someone needs to pick someone else up at another point.

So do you guys have any closing thoughts? Like where do you guys go from here? Cal? I think

[01:15:26] Kelly Cavin: that just helped me to narrow down the things that I. Long list of things. I want to work on kind of poked holes in a lot of, you know, my, my broader

[01:15:37] David Syvertsen: yeah. Opens up, opens up your eyes a little bit. You should

[01:15:41] Sam Rhee: take away pride in your strengths

[01:15:42] David Syvertsen: too.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Don't always walk away saying like, I need to work on this. Like you kicked ass, you did kick ass. Yeah. That's also a long year. It is a lot can happen. A lot can happen in 11 months.

[01:15:54] Kelly Cavin: Exciting to just have that time. Take a little reminder this week. So I don't have to come in and do two of those workouts

[01:16:02] Daniel Coda: Tuesday, Friday.

[01:16:05] David Syvertsen: No, he should do is come in and yell at Christine there in the middle of the workout. Get to the

closing thoughts.

[01:16:16] Daniel Coda: Yeah. I mean, I think that a big part of this weekend was, you know, we talked about just letting it rip, just don't don't hold back and there's nothing, you know, nothing to overthink, just let it go. And I think part of it is proving to myself that I, I kinda do belonging, you know, I have two top 100 scores, which that's awesome.

Never, never happened in my life. And it was just from, you know, not overthinking and, and just believing in the hard work that we've all put in. Good enough. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, and just moving forward, I'm just really excited to, you know, the big thing is trying to get to legends. Yeah. You know, working with you on that.


[01:16:49] David Syvertsen: I just talked to Bob last night, the guy that runs legends. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. I want one of those VRE shirts. Yeah. Sam, where do you go from here? Oh, this is your third one.

[01:17:01] Sam Rhee: Yeah. And raise you right. Best one so far. It's crazy. Your

[01:17:04] David Syvertsen: best open and your

[01:17:05] Sam Rhee: best quarterfinal. Yeah. You know, I just feel like these guys that are, you can't help, but just, you know, try your best, do your best, you know, try to represent, try to you know, whatever choices I made in the past year in terms of my training.

Like I know no matter what I do, I'm still getting better regardless. And, you know, even though I'm intentionally like not focusing so much on the competitive sports side of things and that's very heartening, it's very heartening to see that. And that's awesome. And I loved, I loved it. And now I'm just so ready.

[01:17:44] David Syvertsen: Same here. Same. That's where my mind's at. I just want to take four days no working out. I work like I'm not taking time off work. Right. Spend the day with Brock tomorrow, get some ice cream tonight, have another

[01:17:54] Sam Rhee: beer you got to, you got a week to a

[01:17:57] David Syvertsen: wait. Yeah. So yeah.

[01:17:58] Sam Rhee: That's like, and then not to jump, cause I'm not going to jump, but the semis are a, the end of

[01:18:03] David Syvertsen: may, right.

Memorial day weekend. So they finished the day before Murph now. It's and I

[01:18:09] Sam Rhee: have to say your process this year has been different than any other year that I've seen you sort of do. And it's, it's probably, it's crazy how mature and sorta dialed in you are and all this sort of stuff. Yeah.

[01:18:21] David Syvertsen: Yeah. I'm growing up and becoming an adult now, but that's a that that's going to wrap it up for us guys.

Really appreciate you guys listening in on this congrats again to everyone that competed. Thank you again to everyone that helped us. I don't even want to try to name the names because I really don't want to forget anyone because all of you guys are equally important to that whole process. And you know, we, we hope that if, if this is a goal for you to hit that level, or it's something that you want to do even further down the road, that you could take our experiences and apply it to yourself.

And like Kelly said, 11 months is a long time, you know, while we be probably about 10 months from the open next year. And, but with that said the process of trying to get to the level or work towards that goal, it starts now it doesn't start at the end of the summer. It starts right now. And I hope these two can kind of prove to you that that's, that's the way it goes.

So thank you again, and we'll see you soon.


