Special guest Amy Edelman @amyfitnyc returns once again with Dave, both of whom recently competed at the @_legendschampionship presented by Mayhem Athlete @mayhemathlete in Cookeville, TN on December 8-11.

Amy, Dave along with Sam discuss the experience and the challenges, including the highs and lows competing over four days and nine events.

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[00:00:00] David Syvertsen: So yeah, the, the, so the next workout this was. One of the workouts I thought I was most impressed with Amy on, even though she was like, oh, I wish I did better. Mm-hmm. . Just because of like her strengths and weaknesses.

Yep. This woman was called Sudden impact. Six minute ladder. I'm gonna have the gym do this. Not everyone's gonna love it, but you could scale the weight obviously if you want to, but it's an AMRAP for six six minutes. One, two. So it's a ladder. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, blah, blah, blah. Right? Keep adding one wrap every time, one wall walk, and then a deadlift.

All right. Deadlift weight was three 15 for guys, 2 25 for ladies. So obviously it's pretty heavy. And then they started reducing the weight at 45. Actually went to 2 75. 2 0 5. And then let's talk about this. Next, I wanna talk about the workout. They took out this workout for the older age groups, so we'll talk about that after.

I wanna get Amy's thoughts on it. We did predict that heavy pulling would be paired with something up, inverted up and down. Yeah. Perfect prediction. I actually kind of like this more than handstand pushups, just because it's more like active. Yeah. Like you can always do it. You don't, you can always do a wall walk.

Right. Strict handstand, you get the failure. What are your thoughts, Amy?

[00:01:04] Amy Edelman: I mean, I like the workout. I just didn't, I don't think I was prepared for how fast it was gonna go. Yeah. And it went really fast. Yeah. I remember looking and being like, I am chasing everybody and I cannot catch up. Yeah. So I, I definitely struggled on this one more than I, more than I thought I would actually, I didn't think I would struggles as much as I did.

Mm-hmm. . But,

[00:01:25] David Syvertsen: Do you have the standings? What place did she come in on this? 15th? 15th? I, I thought this was gonna be like, I didn't say it. I thought this was gonna be Amy's like worst event other than the last two. Yeah. Like in the twenties. I thought this was like, oh man. Like I hope she just because.

The range of motion, the distance her bar has to travel. It's a heavy barbell, but it's not. And it felt really heavy. Yeah. It wasn't something that like crushes someone that can't do a deadlift like you'll see when you do this workout. I think more people think the workout is about the barbell. It's more about the wall walks.

Yeah. I would say three to one. Yeah. Surprising. I really think that when you guys do this, you're like, oh man, that's a heavy barbell whatever. Like it's, you're gonna get to wall walk failure. And I thought that's still something that we're working on with her. Like big picture. And when she's like, when it came in 15th, I was like, honestly, that's like a 40 points more than I thought you were gonna be able to get in that workout.

The, the, the wall walk spacing there, like you were really tight, we're really next to each other. Actually was kicking guy. We were kicking each other left to right. Mm-hmm. and then the barbells were really tight to each other too. This is one thing where logistically, , it's hard to do this kind of workout, a lot of back and forth because the ideal format of this workout is that everyone is equal distance from wall to barbell.

But because it was so small in there, like you were doing deadlifts mm-hmm. , like you would hinge and feel like someone's, you know, faces in your butt. You know, like, like there I was deadlifting with someone that was right in front of me and as I was hinging, I was probably a foot away from Zs at, at the bottom.

But if you stagger the barbells, now you have people, then you're traveling further distance. So I thought that was a little, it was tough. I don't really have a suggestion on how to better do that in that space other than maybe that workout, because I actually saw some guys too, at the top of their deadlift, they were almost throwing the bar a little bit as they dropped their last shot.

Oh yeah. So it would bounce. Oh. So by the end of the workout. So it was closer to the wall. Oh. By the end, you know, and you were running, you were running from deadlift to wall walk. Yeah. Like it was that kind of quickness. So, , I thought the fitness test was great logistically in that space. I think that's one reason why they might want a bigger space down the road or just maybe kind of change that workout up or somehow put that in the other room.

Cuz that one actually would be kind of fun to watch on a main floor. Yeah, it's fast, it's aggressive. You can roll the bar forward every round you get and there's more space out there. But any other thoughts on that one?

[00:03:49] Amy Edelman: No, I mean it's just funny cuz they kind of re like really put into which way you're gonna be facing.

Mm-hmm. set up told us probably five times beforehand, , I go out to do my first dead left and they're like, you're going the wrong way. . I was the only one facing Oh really? The wrong way. After they had told me five times which way to face . So I mean, I fixed it obviously the second time I went to the barbell

[00:04:13] David Syvertsen: did they know rep.

[00:04:15] Amy Edelman: No. Okay, that's good. No, but I did get no wrapped on a couple wall walks, which I got that one, which, which was

[00:04:20] David Syvertsen: brutal. Mm-hmm. . It is brutal. That's a lot of

[00:04:22] Amy Edelman: time and it's one of

[00:04:24] David Syvertsen: the, a lot of energy. You're so right. Yeah. Is it from getting

[00:04:26] Sam Rhee: cl not close enough to the wall or coming down off the

[00:04:29] David Syvertsen: wall?

[00:04:30] Amy Edelman: I don't even, still didn't, I didn't really know what she, what I was no rep for Uhhuh.

I think it was my one hand. I bet that was something. And then I moved a foot, I think before my one hand moved. I think it was something like

[00:04:45] David Syvertsen: that. It's a brutal That's hundred and stuff. Yeah. I got no wrapped on my set of four. On my set of three. Yeah. And it's amazing how much it's set you back. Yeah.

I think it's one of the worst movements to get no rep on. Oh. So I would tell anyone that if you're competing and that's ever gonna work out, go like a quarter second slower to make sure you get the. Because unless it's at the end of the workout, because it was, it's, it's a lot of energy. It's time. And mentally it, in a workout like that where, you know, reps are so close to each other.

Yeah. It's it was tough. I didn't get my hand back on one of 'em too. Cause I had this like, rhythm, like step, step, step, step step. Like, I'm not even looking at the line. I'm just assuming I'm gonna get there. And one of 'em, I just didn't. And yeah, it, it crushed me mentally. You did this workout after

[00:05:25] Sam Rhee: you were cramping?

Yeah. How did it feel? You did 15th

[00:05:30] David Syvertsen: as well. Yeah, no cramping. But definitely dizzy every time I got up from the wall walk. And you're upside down. Yeah. I see. And still like, mentally, I think I was still kind of like, like a little upset. I probably could have done a better job of like, all right, get over it.

Now you're competing. But like, it was like the guy, the medic told me he was like two minutes. You're gonna know if you're okay or not. Mm. And I remember looking at the clock at two minutes and I'm like, I am not okay. Mm-hmm. , like, just like hobbling to the barbell. Mm-hmm. touching Godell the entire time.

Mm-hmm. , it's a good movement for me. Easy movement. But the the, the transition in that workout, like, I just couldn't go. Fabulous. The, when I was really at my worst state, the most dizzy I got was when I would go up right away and start walking. Mm-hmm. , you had to like, stand up, wait five seconds and start walking.

So every time I got up from the wall walk mm-hmm. , you know, you're, I'm just like lumbering over there. Mm-hmm. . So yeah. That was, that was an event when I saw it, I'm like, I'm gonna crush that, you know, and it didn't, I was like, fuck. You know? Which

[00:06:27] Amy Edelman: makes it more frustrating. Yes. Because, you know, it was something that you could have done really well at.

[00:06:32] David Syvertsen: I want do that one again. That's a hundred percent. It's on my list. Yeah. All right. So the next one, not on my list. . You pick one. I'll pick one and then we get each other. The next one. Really cool Workout. . This was the first broadcast event, so they broadcasted on the YouTube channel Saturday and Sunday, and this was one of 'em.

At first I was like, man, I don't know if this is fun to watch. Mm-hmm. is it? And I, I think you can make the case. It's not fun to watch, but it is really good. Classic CrossFit and it is not what you think it is. You know, like there's a couple sneaky things here that, you know, your, your novice CrossFitter might not get until they actually watch.

So the workout was this. Okay. 90 GD sit-ups, 12 rope climbs, 150 wall balls. All right. But it was a 12 minute cap. And so, you know, the volume looks like it's high and it is high. This is definitely a workout where I saw, I don't know if Amy remembers this, I'm like, this one's gonna f people up. Yeah. Like, we're gonna be really sore from this.

Yep. Mm-hmm. , but nobody did 150 wall balls because nobody finished. . I think a few people, nobody did. Right. Not in all divisions. Yeah. So I heard on Sianna's podcast that Rich supposedly finished tested this and he did it in 11 minutes. Right. And like that is like, just mathematically. I feel like that's as fast as anyone can do it.

You know, just like how long, you know, 90 hd, 90 JGs in three minutes. That's fast. Road climbs in three minutes. That's really fast. Karen in six minutes, five, six minutes, unbroken basically. Mm-hmm. if you're gonna do it that fast. Mm-hmm. . So it's cool that he as a Rich Froning fan, that he did the workout mm-hmm.

that he tested it and like, how close can he get to him kind of thing. Mm-hmm. , what were your thoughts on this, Amy?

[00:08:07] Amy Edelman: The GS weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be in it, like in the GHD movement, it. going to the rope. Like the moment I got off and started walking, I was like, , I'm fried there.

Yep. There we go. Yeah. There, that's what it is. Yeah. Cora was fried at that point. Yeah, it was my hip flexors. Hip flexors were fried. Yeah. It was a hundred percent my hip flexors. So that was probably the hardest part. Hip flexors getting onto the rope. Yep. So I, I couldn't pick

[00:08:37] David Syvertsen: my legs up, so There you go.

I'm glad you said that. Yeah. The, the programming trap on this workout, and if you're advanced with programming and you want to, you, you can find ways to do stuff like this. Right. It's a trap where you can blow the 90 GCs out. Cool. Good for you got to walk down. They maybe say your name on the broadcast.

Awesome. Right. Now you can't do the rope climbs. Yeah, because a huge part of rope climbs is using your hip flexors to pick up your knees as high as you can, grab the rope with your feet, reach up. And Amy is, she's pretty good at rope climbs when she's fresh. And I, we've trained them a lot. She's tall, she's jumped, but she's also just really good at pulling her body weight.

She's very strong for her body weight. . And so I was like really excited for her for, on this workout because the greatest movement, I don't think there's a person at that entire competition, all divisions that's better than her at wall balls. Mm-hmm. . So I was like, if she could just get through those rope climbs.

Mm-hmm. , she's going to crush the wall balls. And she did. But that workout, everyone views 90 GHGs. It's almost like they look past the rope climb, but when you're at that failure with the core and hip flexors mm-hmm. , you're almost like completely screwed. Yeah. And you're using more energy to get up there, which gives you less time at the wall balls, less energy at the wall balls.

So I just thought it was like a really well designed workout that from the first look at it, you're saying, man, that is borderline irresponsible. But I thought it was a great test of fitness. Yeah. Sam, what were your thoughts on this, but did you watch the broadcast?

[00:10:02] Sam Rhee: I did. This one I watched it reminded me of the quarterfinal workout where.

there were a bazillion gds in rope climbs. Mm-hmm. And I really, and pistols. Yeah. Pistols. I really vividly remember not being able to do a rope climb. Like how the hell I, I'm taking, you should take like for me maybe four poles to get up there. Yeah. And I was taking like six, seven because I just couldn't get my legs to move up on the rope to, to stretch out.

Right. And, and I remember thinking at the time, this is so sneaky bad, cuz you didn't realize it until you actually did that workout. Yeah. Then when I watched you guys and I saw Amy and I saw you're, when you're cheering for someone, you're literally like yelling at the screen like,

[00:10:44] David Syvertsen: yeah, you can

[00:10:45] Sam Rhee: do it.

Yeah, you can do it. And then finally, when you got through the 12 rope climbs, because you. On pace with everyone else. Road climb smoked you. Yes. But then when you got to the wall balls,

[00:10:57] David Syvertsen: how many wall balls did you do? You know, she

[00:10:59] Sam Rhee: passed like a bazillion competitors because you just saw the fire in her eyes and she was like, just moving

[00:11:06] David Syvertsen: on those wall balls.

And that's where her grit helps out. Yeah. We've talked about this as an athlete. She has a lot of grips. Absolutely.

[00:11:12] Amy Edelman: I remember walking from the rope to the wall balls being like, oh crap, .

[00:11:17] David Syvertsen: This is, this is it?

[00:11:20] Sam Rhee: Because I was thinking the same thing.

[00:11:21] David Syvertsen: I was yelling at the screen like, if you just get to the wall balls, you're gonna be

[00:11:24] Amy Edelman: okay.

Well, I was getting actually frustrated on the ropes cuz I was like, I just need to get to the wall balls. I

[00:11:29] David Syvertsen: know. No matter what in a row

[00:11:32] Amy Edelman: right away. Well my, is this, I wanna say like 60?

[00:11:35] David Syvertsen: Yeah. Someone said it was 60. I was like, oh my God,

[00:11:37] Amy Edelman: it was 60 something at one point. I, I remember catching the ball and like I fumbling it tipped forward and then that kind of like threw me off.

Yeah. And then I didn't even mean to. Mentally, I was like, I'm not gonna drop it my arm. My my elbows were so shot that I

[00:11:55] David Syvertsen: just dropped it. Yeah. Yeah. I bet that was partial row climb, but also still left over from the dumbbell smash. Raquel. Yeah. Right. Yeah. He just got beat up in there. So you made

[00:12:02] Sam Rhee: so much progress on that.

You finished sixth, which was great. Awesome. And I knew that Dave on wall balls. I remember last year on that wall ball workout, you also passed a bazillion people for going unbroken Right. On wall balls. And I thought the same thing. I was like, if she, he gets to the wall balls, he's gonna make a lot of gains on people.

Yeah. What I just appreciate though, as an athlete is to sit there mentally and grind out wall balls after all that the amount of pain that you're going through mentally Yep. Is insane. It is. And, and that's where you sort of see where athletes are and. Even if you don't have it, you can appreciate it in others when they just will go to that pain cave and just go super deep.

Yeah. That's what that Karen was at the end. It was a big fu like, how far into the pain cave can you go? Yeah. And you saw a lot of athletes, they were like 10

[00:12:51] David Syvertsen: drop. Yep. You know, eight drop, you could see people get defeated on

[00:12:55] Sam Rhee: walls. Oh my gosh. You could see that they didn't want to go there. Yep. And when you see people who are like, screw this, I'm just gonna keep going with it.

Yeah. You're like, whoa. I know how, like, that's amazing. Yeah.

[00:13:05] David Syvertsen: And, and mind you, like, I did this one at, I think it was eight 30 at night. You know, like you're just like, at some point you start getting sleepy. Yeah. You know, you just, you're just tired and like, it's at no impact on the workout, but it, it's, that's another angle to it that when you're under some sort of state of mind like that, whether it's sleepy, you're injured, you're overly sore, it usually comes like in those last two, three minutes where like, and that I see that at the gym as a coach all the time.

Like, if you just don't have the full mindset ready, it's like that's the kind of movement that you just, it just crushes you. It's, it's one of the easiest things we did all weekend movement-wise. Mm-hmm. , it's a wall ball, right? But it's still one of the hardest to do mentally sometimes. The most basic things in CrossFit to do are the, are the hardest.

We always say, you can always do one more wall ball. Well, ,

[00:13:46] Sam Rhee: I don't know, like maybe you

[00:13:48] David Syvertsen: can, I don't know. Every now and then you'll hit that actual failure. Like I got NOF a few times and get missed the target. At that point, like, you know, was shifting a lot in my squat. Like I was basically doing everything on my right leg and I did get no re a couple warnings.

I think my coach was like the ref, sorry, the judge was saying yo squat, like watch. So I was really trying to like hinge a little bit onto that right leg. And, but the guys next to me, it's funny when you do get no rep, you stop. Like, it's almost, it's like mentally you get defeated like on a wall walk and like I remember the guy next to.

he got no rep again for same thing, not hitting the target or maybe not squatting. And the, he was fine, but the second he got no rep, it does, it like plays that, like did he drop it? Yep. Yeah. Every time, every time he got no rep, he stopped. Yeah. And I'm like, man, like I wonder if, if that's like something you can work on mentally as an athlete and prep yourself for when you get no rep, just keep going.

Mm-hmm. , you know,

[00:14:43] Amy Edelman: during a workout, just have someone stay next to you and

[00:14:45] David Syvertsen: no rep you. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. I got you. Don't worry. I got you. Yeah. Sam, thoughts on this being a livestream event? I, I've been going back and forth in my head a little bit. Yeah. On this like, should they stream event like this, you're just watching this kind of like slow transition, like not a lot of transition workout for, I don't know, eight, 10 hours.

[00:15:05] Sam Rhee: I mean, I had skin in the game watching you guys, so I enjoyed it. And I also understood that the money was in the wall balls. But you're right, watching someone do, a bunch of people do 90 gds, right? 12 rope climb, some of them just kind of standing there like, like this, you know, shaking out their arms, like walking around, like chalking up some more, you know, to do the, the rope climbs not super exciting.

I agree.

[00:15:31] David Syvertsen: I also think it's hard for the b. to basically just talk about the same workout over and

[00:15:35] Sam Rhee: over. Mm-hmm. , it was, you know, I was gonna comment on that. I kudos to Sean Woodland and Annie Sakamoto for going through, I know people were saying, they're saying the same things over and over again for every heat, but on the other hand, it's the same thing over and over again for every heat.

Yeah. So what are you going to do? I do feel you know, when they had Cole Sager on for a little while, he actually provide. awesome. Color commentary because he thought he talked a little bit about how he would approach it or, or, or how That's cool. How this feels. Yeah. And I will say the broadcast was much better this year than it was last year.

Okay. I do feel the, the rep counters make such a big difference. That was, in terms of

[00:16:15] David Syvertsen: professionalism, I, I'd love to know how they

[00:16:17] Sam Rhee: do that. You know, I hope that it's not just 16 people standing there. Well,

[00:16:21] David Syvertsen: there's only eight, I know eight people every time. But I'm like, trying to think, I'm not very tech, but is there an algorithm that can like, I don't think so.

Think you have

[00:16:28] Sam Rhee: manual encounters, people like sitting there looking and counting and hitting a button every time's people, which is ama amazing to me that they have that kind of manpower. Kudos again to mam for, for setting that up. Right. But yeah, I don't know. You know, the livestream for these is really tough, especially when you go through like 16 heats.


[00:16:46] David Syvertsen: I, and granted, you're not watching all 16, usually. Usually did the last day. You did? Yeah. And it

[00:16:51] Sam Rhee: was just, it is mind numbing. It's tough. Yeah. And you know, I know Savan says you should watch the 60 to 65 or the older groups and all that. I don't know. I, I feel like they. There's no good solution and I really want people to brainstorm, to figure out how to make this more watchable.

Right. If you're not a CrossFit athlete and there's gotta be some creative solutions out there, I'm, I'm not exactly sure they're doing the best they can. Right. And I think they're doing an amazing job and I really enjoy what I did see, and all I can say is I hope the sponsors will continue because I know they really gave a lot of time to the sponsors this time, which hopefully they'll recoup the investment that they made in terms of sponsoring this with AdvoCare and mm-hmm.

and a lot of Rich Ron's the people who basically sponsor Rich Froning really sponsored a lot of the live stream and, and I appreciate that and, and I personally as an athlete will do business with the sponsors because I want masters to grow. Same here. But it's. But the market and the business side of it, I'm, I don't know.


[00:17:56] David Syvertsen: it's tough. That's, that's the unknown with a all of this stuff. Yeah. You know, like I'm sure if, I don't know if they'll ever open up about this or if they ever even want to talk about it, but when you run a competition like that, it does eventually has pay back. I

[00:18:07] Sam Rhee: really wish that they had done a little more, Background into each athlete.

Mm-hmm. I know they're so, they're 300 athletes, but especially at the end, I mean, and maybe I'm biased, but I'm like, Hey, Amy Edelman's in second. Why are they not talking about

[00:18:21] David Syvertsen: her more? Right. You should have heard my dad . Like they're, they're focusing on a couple Dad,

[00:18:26] Amy Edelman: my dad was not happy .

[00:18:28] Sam Rhee: Right. Or Dave.

Like I, I know that they wanna focus on certain stories and, and play into interest for a particular line, a storyline, but I really did feel like they gave you guys short shrift and, and I'm biased, so I can't really, I don't know if that's just me or what. Yeah. But I was like, come on. Like get to know every athlete a little bit and, and make some mention.

Yeah. Right.

[00:18:52] Amy Edelman: But I get it because I feel like in my, and I'm sure in your age group too, there were a lot of games athletes Yep. There that they knew already and they knew their

[00:19:01] David Syvertsen: name. That's an easy tagline. Yeah. Games, games, games. Right. You know. True. . But Yeah, I know it, it is tough. I don't really go down that path too much on it.

It's like, talk about who's in first in the event. I'm glad they got my name right. They did ask me, they said, can you, oh, she couldn't pronounce it. She pronounce it wrong every time. I know cyber woodland was better, right? Yeah. A lot of people do cyber step, but they did ask me, Syvertsen, can you text us like the phonetic of your name?

Like how, how do I say your name? Is the guys on the DJs on the floor? We're not doing it. Which is whatever. I mean, but I, you know, you, you see both angles, right? Like you said, it's a lot of people and you don't really don't know who's gonna step up. But I think what they could do a better job of is what did they do this past year?

And it doesn't take much at Ines. Like, Hey, Amy Edelman did not make semis this year. She made quarter finals that came in, blah, blah, blah plays, but now she's in second. Mm-hmm. like, she must have really turned it up like mm-hmm. . That's a cool thing to say. Yeah. And it doesn't take a lot of research. Mm-hmm.

you know, it takes five minutes, you know, instead of just saying, oh, you went to the games in 2014. Like, I had a couple guys in my group that were actual individual athletes in the games years ago, and it's like, Cool. But it doesn't really matter. It was like 2015. It's a lifetime ago, you know? Yeah. But it's an easy thing to find even

[00:20:09] Sam Rhee: their hometown or their home box.

Like Yeah. Give them a shout out. Like where

[00:20:13] David Syvertsen: you're from. CrossFit bison. Yeah. Yeah, because we didn't have our shirts this year. This is one of the shirts. It doesn't say bison on it. Mm-hmm. doesn't have our name. The name is to me, I actually is whatever to me, but I like, it would've been cool, our bison or our name was on it,

[00:20:26] Sam Rhee: right?

Mm-hmm. If you're from Wyoming or Atlanta or whatever, like

[00:20:29] David Syvertsen: that's kind of cool. Yeah. All right, so let's get into the last workout. Last two. Yeah, last two workouts, but it was one, it was one event. We did them back to back. All right. So this is Sunday. We had to wait till late in the afternoon. They kind of reseed everything and they have the top heats go last in every group, blah, blah, blah.

First one was 1296 bar muscle up front. Squat 180 5, 1 25. You get a four minute cap on that. A lot of people don't finish it. All right. And then you get a one minute rest, and then you do. Reverse rep scheme 6, 9, 12, strict handstand, pushup, sandbag, cleans one 50 for guys, 100 for the ladies. They did a lot of modifying for older groups on this.

Basically once the 50 year olds got involved, they shortened the range of motion on the handstand pushups. They let certain genders kip, the female gender kip, and they went to chess bar for older groups. They went to chin over bar for, for older groups, and obviously reduced the weight stimulus was aggressive on the rig if you could, and then a heavy squat.

All right, take a break. A really difficult, strict gymnastics movement and then a heavy clean that, no, I don't think anyone in the entire competition finished that second one, which is okay. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But let's get into this first. . So Amy going into this day, I think it was in second or third, right?

It was in second. Second. Second, yeah. All right. And this first 1, 12 96 bar muscle at front squat. What's the mindset going out there, Amy?

[00:21:55] Amy Edelman: I mean, I knew this wasn't gonna be a good day. I didn't think it would be as it as I, as it was, but like warming up, I felt, I felt pretty good. I was like, all right, I can, I'm gonna do my best.

[00:22:06] David Syvertsen: You're more concerned about the muscle, right? Than the squat? Oh yeah. Yes. Just so people know, right?

[00:22:10] Amy Edelman: Yes. Sorry. Yes. I'm definitely more concerned about the muscle up. I, I mean, I can do them. So it's just a matter of how many I was gonna be able to do. Right. Unbroken. And it's how long it was gonna take between sets and it's 27

[00:22:21] David Syvertsen: reps.

Yeah, it's a lot. In a short amount of time.

[00:22:23] Amy Edelman: So I was, I was nervous. I was definitely nervous, but I remember coming up to you and being like, you know what? I feel okay. Yeah. Like, I think it

[00:22:28] David Syvertsen: might be okay. And, and you looked good. You looked good on your first set. How many did you do on that first set? Was it six or seven?

[00:22:35] Amy Edelman: No, no, I don't think it was that

[00:22:36] David Syvertsen: many. Like four or five, I would say. I think so. Okay. Yeah. And I just remembered like, all right, she's got it. But now, and, but it's a hard decision to make because the workout's so short. Yeah. You can't go into it saying, I'm gonna really pace a four minute workout. Right.

But you don't wanna get the failure. Yeah. So what, what's your cue for yourself when you do a workout like that? When do you be like, all right, I'm gonna go for one more. I have to come down.

[00:22:56] Amy Edelman: I can usually tell on my way down. Well, on the rep, right? Yeah. If the rep is a struggle, then obviously I'm getting off.

Right. But on the way back down, I can usually tell if I'm gonna be able to go back up. Got it. And then I have to jump back off. Yeah. Jump off. Okay. But I ended up failing way too many reps. Mm-hmm. . And going back, although you had said don't go back on too soon after you fail a rep. Right. , you need to give it a little bit more time.

Mm-hmm. , I, I did not listen to

[00:23:25] David Syvertsen: that in case. Yeah. It's hard. It's so hard to do that in the moment. Mm-hmm. ,

[00:23:29] Amy Edelman: because then I kind You panic a little bit. Yes. And you see everyone else moving. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, either I go now or I don't, like, I'm gonna just keep wasting time. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. So unfortunately I just, I just struggled.

Mm-hmm. ,

[00:23:40] David Syvertsen: I struggled. How did the bar feel when you got there?

[00:23:44] Amy Edelman: To be honest, yeah. That was the first time I was in that lane. It was pretty slippery versus the floor. What's that? The floor was, or the bar. The bar. Okay. My, my bar felt a little slippery. Mm-hmm. . And it was the first time I was there and I thought I was in that lane for, to debar, but then I looked back and I was actually in that other lane.

Right. So that for someone who has struggles already with that movement, something like that, adding just a little bit of a change. Makes it just even harder

[00:24:13] David Syvertsen: for me. Yep. And then the the squats, how did the, how did those feel like once you got there?

[00:24:19] Amy Edelman: They were heavy, but I I felt like I could move through them.

I didn't go super fast. Mm-hmm. on them. But it, it felt, it felt pretty heavy. Yeah.

[00:24:26] David Syvertsen: But yeah. So, so you get through a decent chunk of that workout. Yep. And there's a four minute cat. There's a one minute at rest. Mm-hmm. , so not much. Mm-hmm. . Yep. Right. You go back and now we have 6, 9, 12, only three minute cat, no one's finishing this strict handstand pushups and the sandbag clean.

And if there's probably one thing that you were most worried about, Ugh. It's a strict hand hands, a

[00:24:48] Amy Edelman: strict hand sand pushups. I don't, that's literally, I was even able to do them up until couple weeks, three weeks before the competition. Yeah. Oh wow. Like I could not get a single

[00:24:56] David Syvertsen: rep. Oh wow. Every time we program them in her programming, it was always with anma.

It's an a riser, if you wanna call it a riser. Mm-hmm. . And then I think the, our last. Sunday training day, like, Hey Amy, let's try a couple. Yeah. And you were

[00:25:07] Amy Edelman: able to do a couple And I, and I got some in, so I was like, all right, at least maybe I'll be able to get some in. I was like, it depends where it's gonna fall.

Right. On the days. Yep. So I was definitely concerned cuz it was the last day Right. That I was gonna be just really fatigued, but I ended up doing them. Yeah. And I was kind of proud of myself just for doing it.

[00:25:25] David Syvertsen: Great win. Yeah. Yeah. That's a great deal. And this just gives you like a good foundation to build off of in the, in the, in the future, in your next year of training.

Yeah. So I wanna ask you a question about this cause I haven't asked you this. It's gonna be a, would you have emotionally, right? Would you have rather, if you got to pick and you could just kind of finagle things yourself, would you have rather done this first and had to play catchup most of the weekend?

Or did you like that it was last so that you, you know, , you kind of had the full weekend of like, yo, I'm at the top here, dude. Like, you know, I

[00:25:58] Amy Edelman: think initially going into the competition, I wanted this to be first. Okay. Like this. Anything that had the handstand pushups or the bar muscle ups first. But now ha.

Seeing all this play out and me kind of being in first or second the whole weekend, I kind of liked it. Yeah. It, it, it pushed me instead of trying to just climb my way back. Yeah. And like worrying about every workout. I mean, I worried about every workout. Yeah. Just in a different way. But it put a different type of pressure, I think, on me to keep that spot.

Mm-hmm. . And I had told Dave at some point, and I was like, you know what? I came into this only wanting to be in the afternoon session, which was top 16. Mm-hmm. . But now that I'm in second, like I taste it and I don't wanna lose it. Right. So that put on. I think more good pressure. Yes. Not a negative pressure.

Right. A positive pressure. Good, good. This is where I wanna stay.

[00:26:51] David Syvertsen: Good. That's a great response. Yeah. Sam, thoughts on this Back to back workout.

[00:26:55] Sam Rhee: Right, so Amy was coming in too, and I think that this is a mark of how good you are. So when we watch athletes, you know, you'll, you know, and I, I'm not gonna compare it to Aaron Judge, but if you watch an Aaron judge and you're like, he strikes out and you're like, oh, what a bum.

That guy just struck out. And you're like, you don't know what it takes to get to that level. Right. You're just expecting excellence the whole way through. Right. So when I have talked to people and they're like, Amy was second, how did she. And it sounds brutal, but that's how high level athletes are expected to perform like that.

It's a compliment in that sense that when you watch a Laura Hoorvath and you say, oh, her hole is handsome push, I'm sure. Like, how does someone that good not Yeah. Address that deficiency? Right. How, how does Aaron judge strike out as many times as he does when he's supposed to be as good as he is, you

[00:27:50] David Syvertsen: know, or whatever.

Haley Adams with her strength or

[00:27:52] Sam Rhee: strength. Like how does someone that good not lift heavy? Right? And isn't she practicing that?

[00:27:57] Amy Edelman: Like, why is she not doing that all the time?

[00:27:59] David Syvertsen: Yeah. All the time. Right. And so, I am so so when I, when I hear people say

[00:28:06] Sam Rhee: that one, they're, it's, I understand they're coming from a good place cuz they expect, like she's crushing it.

She's second. And then, you know, when they say that, you know, there's a whole, they don't understand it. It's, it's truly a compliment on one level. Absolutely. And second, it also comes from not necessarily understanding you know, how much has been put. in terms of what you've put into it. And third I, I understand it because we all have probably been there on different levels.

Maybe not on such an elite level, but it just makes me really proud to see that. It also hurts though, you know, when you're watching somebody that you care about Yeah. And you're like, there isn't second. Yeah. And then you know that they're killing themselves and they're just not there with it. There's a lot of pain with that too.

So as an, as a spectator and as someone, as a supporter, it hurts. I mean, it hurt to watch you, it hurt to watch Dave. Yeah. That last day, you know? But it also made me really proud to sort of see that, you know, you guys really gave it literally everything that

[00:29:10] David Syvertsen: you had. Yeah. Right. So, yeah, I I, there's a humility factor to this that every athlete is gonna go through.

If you're gonna compete, try to compete, try to get to your highest level, whatever that is, there's gonna be humbling moments. , and that's a humbling moment, right? Mm-hmm. , and you can go one or two directions, right? You can say like, screw this, like, I don't wanna work on it anymore, which honestly is fine.

That might be like, you know what? This is the sport's not for you, becau or it kind of throws some fuel on the fire that, you know, I don't think Amy's gonna, even if she works on it all year, she's not gonna one day wake up and do like 35 shorthand sand pushups in a row, right? But, but that, that kind of reaction, that kind of situation can be like the fuel for the fire, you know?

And it, it, it does sometimes losing actually brings out the best in you. And you finish sick. I

[00:29:54] Sam Rhee: know. And actually both of you

[00:29:56] David Syvertsen: finished six. Yeah. , don't bring out the points. How many points did I get and how many points did she outscored me by? Two points. 604

[00:30:03] Sam Rhee: versus 606. Oh God, that's

[00:30:05] David Syvertsen: great. Can't believe that great.

So may maybe, maybe I'll just say like, I would've come in first if Amy came in first. So she, she, she needs to be back. Really?

[00:30:15] Sam Rhee: I don't know. So, so when I, so I would like to hear you, Dave, because you know, even the, even the announcers were making mention of you, and it was, it was really it was tough to see.


[00:30:27] David Syvertsen: no, I believe it. I I know it's like that I feel bad for Ash, you know, it's like, it's probably harder to watch than to do. So, so

[00:30:34] Sam Rhee: tell me like, how did it go when you were out there? You,

[00:30:37] David Syvertsen: you knew you. Yeah. Well, I mean, you could see, I mean, right away I couldn't run. Right. So like, you're on the end of the mag every, it's a sprint, so like, everyone runs the rig.

Yes. Like I was, I was really excited for this workout when I came out. Okay. I was really excited. Okay. Like, I like that's like, this is like my jam. Yeah. That kind of thing. Yeah. . So everyone's excited. I'm still in third, I you're third place. But like, you know, it's not gonna happen because I literally, only for the sake, I, for the sake that I can't run down there.

Yeah. So I limp my way down there and we're

[00:31:04] Sam Rhee: all watching. And like, is Dave has some secret strategy we're

[00:31:08] David Syvertsen: not aware of, see pace? Like is

[00:31:10] Sam Rhee: he really smart? And like, everyone's so

[00:31:11] David Syvertsen: dumb running and he's like, who does he know that we don't? So, but I even like, you know, I'm not telling anyone about this. Like all my fellow competitors know, like, they're like nicest guys too.

Like checking in on me. I was in the medical tent for the last day and a half, right? Yeah. Yeah. I wasn't even warming up with them. Yeah. But they like, they kind of know, like you don't talk about it, but they know like, all right, he's not even gonna be a factor in this workout. Mm-hmm. , but my judges don't.

So I go out there, say hi, and like everyone runs and I'm walking mm-hmm. Limping. And the judge at the Reagan was like so confused. He's like, what is happening? What are you doing? Right? Muscles were not impacted. So went up there, did my mus, and then the front squat. No, I practiced the front squat leading up to, I had like my thick knee sleeve on it hurt, but it actually was hurting less to squat than it was to walk.

Mm-hmm. Walking was more painful. Like, once I set that knee into place, I could squat, but I couldn't bend it to, to a certain point. So like I would get halfway to my squat and literally just go all onto my right and like that. That's, you know, and then once I got to a certain range of motion with the left knee, then it was like, all right, that hurt.

Like I grimaced a few times. Yeah, you could see it on your face. I went down a little too fast. and like, you felt like almost like something was like cracking in there. Right. So, and Annie Sao was like,

[00:32:22] Sam Rhee: oh, there's something not right about him. And they're like, you think Yeah. .

[00:32:27] David Syvertsen: Yeah. He's about to get lapd, you know?

So, you know, but I, again, this is where I, I really in my heart just wanted to say I finished, like even if I had to go out there or not, I didn't know if I was gonna squat mm-hmm. , like I had a feeling I was gonna be like, I'm just gonna stand at the barbell. But I didn't wanna walk away from it. I actually had a good conversation with one of our fellow competitors who was in the military, and he said, he goes, you know, like a lot of people in this situation, because you know you're not gonna do your best.

Like, they were just kinda like, I'm out. Yeah. We had a couple people drop out. Yeah. And I don't know what their reasons were, if they were credible or not. I'm not looking at down on them if they did mm-hmm. . But I wanted to walk away from the cops saying I did all the. , even though I knew I would come in 20th place or something like that.

Right. 24th, whatever. And thanks. Sorry. and 18th on the second. Yeah. Okay. So I did the squats. Impressive though. Yeah. Did the, I think I did the, the 12. 12 and nine. Nine. And then I got one muscle I think. Yeah. I'm pre, yeah. I did two sets of squats. Mm-hmm. . But the hardest part was the clean, like, I couldn't, like, like that fast twitch knee movement of like catching it.

Mm-hmm. it was, that was the hardest part. And, but once I got it locked in, I was like, all right, I can at least get there slowly. And I think there's also a mental block and like, I, you know, you're getting your butt kicked. Like could I have tried to go faster? Sure. But I just don't think it would've made a difference.

So, , you know, you do that, you get your minute break, limp back, they all run out for the strict hand sand push on limping again. By that time my judges nose, something's up. Mm-hmm. and I felt good on that actually. Like my handstands felt great. Mm-hmm. the sand, but I was probably less fatigued than some of these guys too.

It's probably one positive there. Mm-hmm. . But the sandbag, like once I got there I couldn't use my left leg. Mm-hmm. like, like I was like, I don't even know if I can do this. And I had to basically do it on one leg. Mm-hmm. , so that kind of sucked. But I'm glad I got to finish. I was actually really happy right after that moment.

I'm like, no, DQ made it through. Yeah. No dq. Mm-hmm. , I did, did all the workouts. So, I got in this question a few times. It's an interesting question. If one of your athletes was in that state, would you have told them to do that? You know, like if Amy was limping the way it was

[00:34:24] 2022_1218_1022: limping?

[00:34:24] Sam Rhee: I don't think so. I would've told them to withdraw because Yeah.

What's the point? You could hurt

[00:34:29] David Syvertsen: yourself more. Yep. So I have my answer condition now. Okay. I'm just gonna get your decision. Yeah. Yep. Like I say, this is your comp, this is your memory, this is your, your personal legacy. This is what you're gonna remember. What are you gonna be proud of? Now, is it possible I could have jacked this thing up more Yes.

And prolong my recovery? Yes. Yes. So from that regard, it's not worth it. Mm-hmm. . And that's where, but a coach can say that like, Hey, it's probably from that regard, it's not worth it. But it's still your decision. Like, if Brock ever gets hurt, maybe not when he is Yeah. Outta high school. Like he's an adult.

Like say he is he's gonna be, he's gonna be playing on the Yankees in 20 years anyway. So, but if he gets hurt, he's gonna. . I am gonna be that way. I'm like, here, here's my thought as your father, this is what I think it's gonna happen. If you get hurt more, blah, blah, blah. But I'm not gonna pull you off.

If he's a kid, I will. Mm-hmm. , you know, I

[00:35:17] Sam Rhee: think your athlete might worry that you would think less of them, right. By making that choice to withdraw. That's, that's all

[00:35:23] David Syvertsen: part

[00:35:24] Sam Rhee: of the communication with it. And I especially, you're, you know, listen, everyone you say sometimes, like you, you think everyone thinks you kind of bully them or you push too hard.

Right? And there are some athletes that you coach that might think, well, if I withdraw, Dave will think less of me because I didn't keep

[00:35:41] David Syvertsen: going. Well, so like, let's say this happens again to Amy next year, or to you, or like to everyone, anyone that goes down and competes and like, let's say they get hurt and like in their head they're saying, I, I will tell you this right now, I will never be disappointed if someone backs up because it's their body and it's their decision.

And like, I might be paying for this more than I think, right? Like, I might be paying for this. Like, we're to the point where it's not worth it. Right. But, and it, I don't view myself as tough or like I fought through this. It was like I'm stubborn and sometimes being stubborn is a bad trait and maybe this was a bad decision, but right now that's what I wanted to do.

And I'm, I'm at peace with that. But if someone else wanted to back out because they were injured, I swear to God I would not judge it because it is, but I would make sure it's your decision. Like Dave L came up to me, he's like, I hope you're not doing this cuz you think we want you to do it right. And I was like, I don't, I, I was like very honest.

I was like, dude, I'm here to compete for myself. Like I. That, that was where my mind

[00:36:39] Sam Rhee: was at. I, I think of it as a physician and I'm like, listen, what are you fighting for other than a moral victory for yourself, which is fine, right? But physically, right. If you jacked your knee up mm-hmm. doing that, picking up that 185 pound bar to try to do that front squat.

Yeah. And literally tore something permanently in there. Yeah. Right. Where is that moral victory gonna be for you? I agree. And as a physician, I would've said no. Yeah. Nick's, I'm taking that decision out of your hands. Right. I, I want you to keep, if you wanna keep competing. Yeah. Let's, let's stop.

[00:37:11] David Syvertsen: Yeah. Like some personal stuff.

My, my wife and I, Ashton and I were talking the hotel that night before, and she's like, Dave, like, like, honestly, like if it's your knee, it's your call. She goes, but if you start getting like the, the dizzy spells again, you actually feel like something's wrong with the health. Like, they start talking about my heart a little bit.

Yeah. Like, he's like, she's like, I need you to promise me you'll stop. And I said, I will. Like if that sign, if that like shut down body starts to happen again, I would stop. I see. But. But I

[00:37:36] Amy Edelman: think it, what do you think? I mean, I think you'd have to know your athlete. Right. Because, you know, like, you know, Dave's gonna go out there and do whatever he wants to do Yeah.

And fight through it. Yeah. Yeah. So I would actually be a little bit more concerned with someone like him mm-hmm. versus someone who would be like, this really hurts. I'm done. Yeah. Like, you know what I mean? Right. Just like you, I think you need to know where that person is mentally when it comes to pushing themselves.

Yeah. Right. Because some athletes will just back away at anything. Right. Which is fine. Yep. But there's other athletes who will be like, I don't, it's fine. I'm gonna go through it. Yeah. Go through with it anyway. Right. So I think that's the hard Yeah.

[00:38:17] David Syvertsen: If I had a glass ball that said, you're gonna really hurt your knee bad if you keep going, I would stop.

You know? Of course. But like, but nobody has that. Yeah. There, there's risk. I think there's risk involved in competing. I, I do. I really, of course, like there, there's risk and, and not really pushing yourself. And I'm hoping at some point, . Like I've, I've had a lot of people like, reach out and say this, and I believe it too.

Like, there's gonna be good that comes from it. Mm-hmm. , it just might not be when you want it or how you want it, but of course. So I do have that mindset like, all right, I did push through this. I am, you know, I don't think I made it worse and I'm looking back on it, glad I did it. Yeah. Like, I think the thing I'm most proud about from the comp was doing well on the wall ball event.

Mm-hmm. . I came in third on that with, you know, with, you know, and I, I just like, I don't think I would've benefited. I would've, I almost dropped out before that event. I almost dropped out five different times, you know? So that, that's the last thought on that. So the, the way to wrap this up, this is long.

This might end up being two episodes. It's gonna be two episodes, . But the, I I, I'm curious, and I want Amy to put this out there. I have not met with her yet, like as her coach, but but I want to, so like, where do you go from here? Because, is there, have you had that, like that lull yet? Like that post comp.

dopamine crash.

[00:39:29] Amy Edelman: Yeah, I think so. I think actually this, this week, just coming back where I'm like just still beat up tired. Don't feel a hundred percent, don't feel like myself. Mm-hmm. . So I think I'm hitting that

[00:39:41] David Syvertsen: now. Yep. And now you have the holidays

[00:39:43] Amy Edelman: coming up. Right. And then the holidays and everything.

But I know I'm gonna get past that. Mm-hmm. and I know, I know exactly what I'm gonna wanna do. Okay. Do you wanna put that out there publicly or not? Yeah, I mean, I wanna go back and I wanna do. Good. I want them to say my name. Yeah. On the announcing and my background Yeah. And things like that. Yeah. I want that.

I like

[00:40:06] David Syvertsen: that. Why not? Yeah, I like that and I respect that you put it out there because you know, there's no guarantees. No.

[00:40:11] Amy Edelman: That, that you get there. No. Oh no. I think know that I've already thought about that. I've already thought, man, I'm gonna have to do this all over. Yeah.

[00:40:17] David Syvertsen: And it, but it takes someone brave.

Like I'm, I didn't ask her to say that, by the way. Just so you guys know, because that's, it's hard to do publicly. It just is. We've talked about this. It's hard to say your shit on, on like, for other people to hear, but I, I, I give her a lot of credit for being brave about that. How about you? Yeah. Probably not gonna do the quarter final semi-finals this year in the spring because of your knee.

Yeah. And but same thing, like had a long talk with that, with Ashley about this last night. Like, I, I, I'm more upset about not winning than I am about my knee. And I don't like that taste. You know, I'll be thinking about it for a long time and I want to. I wanna go back there next year too. Whether, I don't know where it's gonna be, whether it's at Mayhem or somewhere else, but, so I'll just say at Legends next year, and you know, as the third, I guess it'll be 37, 37, 38 year old, whatever.

I wanna win it next year. Yeah. I thought

[00:41:05] Sam Rhee: this was gonna be your last year. You said that before

[00:41:07] David Syvertsen: if I, if I won . Oh, that there was a

[00:41:10] Sam Rhee: conditional to that. Yeah. I thought it was a win loser

[00:41:12] David Syvertsen: girl. There is now . It's hard. It's, it's a hard thing to walk away from and I've always said, if I'm capable of doing it, I'm gonna go for it.


[00:41:19] Sam Rhee: you tasted it. You were

[00:41:20] David Syvertsen: right there. Yeah, I had it right where I wanted to after two days. And I do think this is gonna get harder to qualify for. Yeah. Every, every time there's a big broadcast like this, people wanna do it. Yep. Whole new crop of 35 year olds. I think almost every competitor this year was 35.

Rich Froning might be competing. Yeah, let's go Rich. Bring it. But the, I I think that's where we're in the same mindset there. It's, but I'm actually more carefree about it because, . I don't have something to go for in the next four months. Hmm. And I kind of just wanna make that the legend's my thing.

And I think that will be the one difference this year, is I'm not gonna pursue those two things. Just pursue one of 'em. Take some pressure off the urgency to, to get the knee right. Mm-hmm. , and then go from there. Yeah. Sam, what about you? What about

[00:42:01] Sam Rhee: me? I about, listen, watching you guys suffer and go through this, that's a special kind of mindset there.

And you guys were all in for months and months and months. I saw you guys train. I saw you guys did it. You can't half-ass this. Right? It's, it's tempting because I saw how they scaled it for the fifties. Yep. I'm not gonna say no when I hit 55.

[00:42:25] David Syvertsen: And that's. Because their, their age thing is different.

How old are you right now? I'm

[00:42:29] Sam Rhee: 52.

[00:42:31] David Syvertsen: And then you turn 53 when?

[00:42:33] Sam Rhee: Next year in September. September? No, no, I'll be 54. I'm

[00:42:37] David Syvertsen: 53 now. Yeah, that's what I thought. I was like, so you're gonna be 54, so Yeah. You're, you're two years away from that age. So the following year. Yeah. Yeah, because their age thing is different than the games.

[00:42:44] Sam Rhee: Yeah. So when I have to do 25 pound dumbbells Yeah. And 20 inch box . Yeah. And the bar instead of bar muscle ups, you know, then maybe, maybe I might I might give it a shot. But watching these, but I mean, I will say, watching all of the athletes, even the 50 plus, they're I think, amazing athletes. I mean, there's no doubt that if I were to get to that part of the comp, it's a train.

They're gonna, they're gonna be crushing it. Yeah. It's gonna be just as hard as it was for you guys. Yeah. Because everyone is aging up and is, is just getting stronger and stronger.

[00:43:15] David Syvertsen: Yep. Yep. So moving target. Yeah. All right. Well that wraps up our two-part legends recap. Hope you guys enjoyed that. And if there's anything you guys want to reach out to us about in regard to this, something that we want, want us to talk about or something that you want to comment on, we'll definitely put it out there.

We can add it into another, another episode down the

[00:43:32] Sam Rhee: road. Congratulations to you too. One more time. Amazing. So proud of you guys. Thanks everyone at Bison and everyone who knows you, knows. What excellence you guys represent.

[00:43:44] Amy Edelman: Thank you. And thank you to, to everyone at Bison and yeah. The support. I mean, that was

[00:43:49] David Syvertsen: amazing.

Yeah. That, that really, that helps you stay away from like this extreme peaks and valleys of the weekend. Yeah. Is when you have like that home, home base touching in, reaching out, helping out. Yeah. Was there

[00:44:00] Sam Rhee: Shawn Hair also, da, David, Lance, Britney, Britney,

[00:44:03] David Syvertsen: Ashley Ash. Ralph. Yeah. Lf Tracy's husband. Mike. Mike.

Oh yeah.

[00:44:08] Sam Rhee: And shout to Mike. You know, we barely talked about, we didn't talk about her. We're

[00:44:11] David Syvertsen: gonna get Tracy on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're getting Tracy on. I have a few ideas for her. And then we'll we'll talk some legend talk, but I think she's got a really cool backstory that a lot of people don't know about with the games competing Yeah.

And owning a gym and all that stuff. And so Tracy, Tracy will definitely be on, but yeah, Tracy was down there. Mike was down there, and yeah, it was, and just a lot of support from back home. Mm-hmm. always helps. Yeah. All right. Thanks guys. Nice. Thank you.


