S02E43 Special Guest CHRIS HINSHAW, Coach of Champions
Meet the only coach from whom Mat Fraser pirated his workout programming by getting it from Rich Froning!
HERDFITUSA welcomes Chris Hinshaw @aerobiccapacity, one of the top endurance coaches in the world. Chris Hinshaw is the founder of aerobiccapacity.com, and is one of the top endurance coaches in the world. He is a former All American swimmer and a 10x Ironman Competitor with multiple top international triathlon finishes. Chris Hinshaw has coached nearly every elite CrossFit Games Champion and podium finisher, including Mat Fraser, Rich Froning, Jason Khalipa, Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, Katrín Davíðsdóttir, Tia Clair Toomey, Kristin Holte, Kara Webb, Sara Sigmundsdóttir, and Julie Foucher.
In a wide-ranging episode, we talk to Chris Hinshaw, the coach of champions, about what he considers key qualities for winners, the concept of utilizing active recovery instead of rest to increase endurance, and topics extending from why women are more coachable than men, to how he programs confidence for his athletes.
"If you had to create a Mount Rushmore of CrossFit coaches, Chris Hinshaw is going to be on it."
You can find more information at our website, HerdFitUSA.com. Like and subscribe wherever you watch or listen to our podcast!
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates #aerobiccapacity #champion #buildyourengine #endurance

S02E42 The Origin of CrossFit Bison Part 4
In the final chapter of the history of CrossFit Bison - now that they had an established and financially successful gym, why did they decide to up and move again? And then not even a year after moving, how did the pandemic affect their lives and business? The saga of life and hard business lessons finishes for the two former energy futures traders who decided to open up an CrossFit gym in North Jersey. One of the largest gyms participating in the CrossFit Open in the world, CrossFit Bison @crossfitbison continues to celebrate its 8th anniversary with a look back at how it came to be.
Along with special guest, David's business partner and fellow coach @christafaro, we discuss how CrossFit Bison grew from a dream into reality, including all the ups and downs along the way and the perseverance that it took to finally will CrossFit Bison into existence. Whether you want to learn more about CrossFit Bison, how to start an affiliate, or how to make your own affiliate better, we dig into the details.
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

S02E41 How to CRUSH CrossFit Open 22.3
This is a special episode of the HERDFIT which dropped TONIGHT right after the CrossFit Open @crossfitgames live announcement of the last event, 22.3. For the last time in the Open season, we recorded our hot tips and takes for our final Open Workout of 2022 at CrossFit Bison.
For time:
21 pull-ups / 42 double-unders / 21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups / 36 double-unders / 18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups / 30 double-unders / 15 thrusters (weight 3)
M: 95 lb, then 115 lb, then 135 lb
W: 65 lb, then 75 lb, then 85 lb
Time cap: 12 minutes
You can find more information at our website, HerdFitUSA.com. Like and subscribe wherever you watch or listen to our podcast!
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

We continue by talking about the coaches at CrossFit Bison - how did Chris and Dave choose the coaches and why did they choose them? What do they consider important in finding the right coach?
The saga of life and hard business lessons continue for the two former energy futures traders who decided to open up an CrossFit gym in North Jersey. One of the largest gyms participating in the CrossFit Open in the world, CrossFit Bison @crossfitbison continues to celebrate its 8th anniversary with a look back at how it came to be.
Along with special guest, David's business partner and fellow coach @christafaro, we discuss how CrossFit Bison grew from a dream into reality, including all the ups and downs along the way and the perseverance that it took to finally will CrossFit Bison into existence. Whether you want to learn more about CrossFit Bison, how to start an affiliate, or how to make your own affiliate better, we dig into the details.
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

S02E39 How to CRUSH CrossFit Open 22.2
This is a special episode of the HERDFIT which dropped TONIGHT right after the CrossFit Open @crossfitgames live announcement of the second event, 22.1. Sam threw down with special guest coach Adam Storms @storms_8, and then along with Coach David, recorded their hot tips and takes for our first Open Workout of 2022 at CrossFit Bison.
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Bar-facing burpees
M: 225-lb barbell
W: 155-lb barbell
Time cap: 10 minutes
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

S02E38 The Origin of CrossFit Bison Part 2
The saga of life and hard business lessons continue for the two former energy futures traders who decided to open up an CrossFit gym in North Jersey. Now one of the largest gyms participating in the CrossFit Open in the world, CrossFit Bison @crossfitbison continues to celebrate its 8th anniversary with a look back at how it came to be.
We continue our talk with special guest, David's business partner and fellow coach @christafaro, about how CrossFit Bison grew from a dream into reality, including all the ups and downs along the way and the perseverance that it took to finally will CrossFit Bison into existence. Whether you want to learn more about CrossFit Bison, how to start an affiliate, or how to make your own affiliate better, we dig into the details.
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

S02E37 How to CRUSH CrossFit Open 22.1
This is a special episode of the HERDFIT which dropped TONIGHT right after the CrossFit Open @crossfitgames live announcement of the first event, 22.1. Sam threw down with special guest athlete Kayla Gravalis @kaylagravalis, and then along with Coach David, recorded their hot tips and takes for our first Open Workout of 2022 at CrossFit Bison.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches
15 box jump-overs
You can find more information at our website, HerdFitUSA.com. Like and subscribe wherever you watch or listen to our podcast!
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

S02E36 The Origin of CrossFit Bison Part 1
How did two guys sitting on an energy futures trading desk decide to open up an CrossFit gym in North Jersey which has grown into one of the largest affiliates participating in the CrossFit Open in the world (#1 in the US and #4 in 2020)? CrossFit Bison now celebrates its 8th anniversary with a look back at how it came to be.
We talk to a special guest, David's business partner and fellow coach @christafaro, about how CrossFit Bison grew from a dream into reality, including all the ups and downs along the way and the perseverance that it took to finally will CrossFit Bison into existence. Whether you want to learn more about CrossFit Bison, how to start an affiliate, or how to make your own affiliate better, we dig into the details.
(and remember, sign up for the CrossFit Open! 22.1 starts this Thursday February 24!)
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

What is "Training Age?" How is that different from your chronological or biological age? How does knowing your "training age" help you perform better and become more fit? We take a deep dive into the concept of training age and how a high or low age can be an advantage or disadvantage for your fitness potential.
(and remember, sign up for the CrossFit Open! 22.1 starts February 24!)
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

The Open is coming! There is still enough time to optimize your mental preparation for the 2022 CrossFit Open. We break down how to hack the mental side of success. Take tips from our checklist of competition preparation for the next few weeks and maximize your chances for your best performances in the Open!
(and remember, sign up for the CrossFit Open! 22.1 starts February 24!)
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

The equipment list for the CrossFit 2022 Open has been released. We break down everything you need to prepare - what's on the list and what's NOT on the list. What should you be preparing movement-wise? We also take some educated guesses about what kind of workouts we may face (are they still the work of @thedavecastro ?)
(and remember, sign up for the CrossFit Open! 22.1 starts February 24!)
You can find more information at our website, HerdFitUSA.com. Like and subscribe wherever you watch or listen to our podcast!
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

S02E32 - Is CrossFit Individualized?
Is CrossFit individualized? This controversy continues to rage in the fitness community as James Fitzgerald, founder of OPEX Fitness, recently spoke on several podcasts stating that CrossFit is NOT individualized (and how OPEX is). This has been disputed by many within the CrossFit community, particularly Dave Castro. We provide our take what "customized" programming means, and how athletes may (or may not) benefit from group versus individual classes and coaching.
(and remember, sign up for the CrossFit Open! 22.1 starts February 24!)
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

S02E31 - Cramming for the 2022 CrossFit Open
We discuss the biggest CrossFit event of the year - the Open is coming! Starting this year on February 24, the CrossFit Open, a three-week international competition where anyone — regardless of fitness level or ability — can compete in the biggest fitness competition in history.
For all of us procrastinators out there, we discuss tips on what to focus on in training in the next few weeks to maximize performance for the Open. Sign up today!
You can find more information at our website, HerdFitUSA.com. Like and subscribe wherever you watch or listen to our podcast!
@crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #ItAllStartsHere #CrossFitOpen #CrossFit #CrossFitCommunity @CrossFitAffiliates

S02E30 - The Firing of Dave Castro
We start our second season of the podcast with discussion of a shocker - Dave Castro @thedavecastro has been fired from his position as General Manager of Sport for CrossFit LLC by Eric Roza. After 15 years as Director of the Games and an integral part of CrossFit Home Office - why did this happen, and why now? What does this mean for CrossFit, its affiliates, and its athletes going forward?

S01E29 - 2021 Legends Masters Championship WRAP UP PART 2
Our part 2 episode is with three-time CrossFit Age Group Online Qualifier (AGOQ) athlete, guest Kathleen Staunton @stautie3. Dave and Kathleen competed in the LEGENDS MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIP @_legendschampionship @thebobjennings @joe_linton84. We break down their experience at Legends and go through the challenging events programming. Go behind the scenes with the competitors' inside take on the biggest off-season Masters event of the year.
Congratulations to Dave for being the two time 35-39 year old Legends Masters Championship winner! @crafted.coaching @coachtorano
You can find more information at our website, HerdFitUSA.com, and make sure to like and subscribe wherever you watch or listen to our podcast.
Thanks to Legends Masters Championship sponsors TRU GRIT @trugritfitness VUORI @vuoriclothing CBDMD @cbdmd.usa PROJECT ONYX @projectonyxdsm RX SMART GEAR @rxsmartgear TORQUE FITNESS @torquefitnessusa URLAND @urlndmats HYPERICE @hyperice ASCENDED STRENGTH @theascendedstrength. Please support those sponsors who support CrossFit Masters Athletes!
@themasterschatter @seanwoodland53 @billgrundler @anniekimiko @crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #2021legendschampionship #mastersassemble

S01E28 - 2021 Legends Masters Championship WRAP UP PART 1
Our episode is with three-time CrossFit Age Group Online Qualifier (AGOQ) athlete, guest Kathleen Staunton @stautie3. Dave and Kathleen competed in the LEGENDS MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIP @_legendschampionship @thebobjennings @joe_linton84. We break down their experience at Legends and go through the challenging events programming. Go behind the scenes with the competitors' inside take on the biggest off-season Masters event of the year.
Congratulations to Dave for being the two time 35-39 year old Legends Masters Championship winner! @crafted.coaching @coachtorano
Thanks to Legends Masters Championship sponsors TRU GRIT @trugritfitness VUORI @vuoriclothing CBDMD @cbdmd.usa PROJECT ONYX @projectonyxdsm RX SMART GEAR @rxsmartgear TORQUE FITNESS @torquefitnessusa URLAND @urlndmats HYPERICE @hyperice ASCENDED STRENGTH @theascendedstrength. Please support those sponsors who support CrossFit Masters Athletes!
@themasterschatter @seanwoodland53 @billgrundler @anniekimiko @crossfit @crossfitgames #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #clean #fitness #2021legendschampionship #mastersassemble

Our next episode is with guest Kathleen Staunton @coachmiked, fellow coach @crossfitbison. Both Dave and Kathleen will be competing this week in the premier CrossFit Masters Competition of the year, the Legends Masters Championship @_legendschampionship @thebobjennings @joe_linton84 (Dec 9-12 in San Diego - streamed live on YouTube). We speculate on the possible events at Legends and what the competition may hold for Kathleen and Dave.
As a three-time CrossFit Age Group Online Qualifier (AGOQ) athlete, Kathleen talks about her preparation and training leading up to Legends. Dave talks about coaching Kathleen as well as competing as the returning 2020 Legends Champion. Both Kathleen and Dave have families, jobs and lives. How do high-level NON-professional athletes achieve their best performances and maximize their potential within their busy schedules?
@themasterschatter @seanwoodland53 @crossfit #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #crossfitgames #crossfitgames #clean #fitness

Our next episode is again with guest Mike DelaTorre @coachmiked, fellow coach @crossfitbison. One critical aspect about a gym is it's CULTURE. In a community-driven gym culture, people not only want to make a difference in their own lives but also in the lives of others. What can help to foster a great culture or conversely, damage a gym culture?
You can find more information at our website, HerdFitUSA.com, and make sure to like and subscribe wherever you watch or listen to our podcast.

S01E24 - Mistakes CrossFit Athletes Make
Our next episode is again with guest Mike DelaTorre @coachmiked, fellow coach @crossfitbison. This time we get after the ATHLETES. We discuss what are some of the common mistakes CrossFit athletes make. We have made many or all of these mistakes. How about you?
@crossfit #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #crossfitgames #crossfitgames #clean #fitness

S01E23 - Mistakes CrossFit Coaches Make
Our next episode is again with guest Mike DelaTorre @coachmiked, fellow coach @crossfitbison. We discuss what are some of the common mistakes CrossFit coaches make. How can coaches identify, correct, or better yet, avoid those mistakes?
You can find more information at our website, HerdFitUSA.com, and make sure to like and subscribe wherever you watch or listen to our podcast.
@crossfit #crossfit #fitness #sports #exercise #health #movement #crossfitcoach #agoq #crossfitgames #crossfitgames #clean #fitness